Joe Biden Seeks To Make Trump The Face Of Anti-abortion Movement

The Biden campaign aims to portray former President Trump as the symbol of the anti-abortion movement, as Democrats aim to tap into voter anger in the wake of the reversal of Roe v. Wade.

During recent campaign events, Vice President Kamala Harris has been vocal about her opposition to the recently upheld Civil War-era abortion ban in Arizona. She has been using strong language, referring to it as a “Trump abortion ban” and accusing the former president of “gaslighting” the American people regarding his stance on a national ban if he were to be reelected.

Last week, the Biden campaign unveiled an advertisement showcasing the story of a woman who faced life-threatening complications due to the denial of her abortion. The ad directly attributed the responsibility to Donald Trump.

According to Democratic strategist Hank Sheinkopf, implementing more bans on abortion would work in favor of President Biden and against former President Trump. Sheinkopf believes that Democrats strategically benefit from pushing for abortion bans because it forces Trump to respond, further isolating him.

According to Sheinkopf, Biden’s team is strategically aiming to associate Trump with the issue of abortion in states where the presidential race is closely contested. Democrats, on a broader scale, are also relying on this issue, along with state-level ballot measures that protect abortion rights, to energize voters for candidates at all levels of government.


“Former President Donald Trump is to blame for the overturning of Roe v. Wade and the subsequent attack on women’s rights and freedoms,” stated Harris passionately during her speech in Tucson last week. She emphasized that this was just the beginning of a larger strategy aimed at undermining reproductive freedom across the country. Harris’s remarks came in response to the Arizona Supreme Court’s approval of an 1864 law that criminalized performing abortions, making it a felony. The Vice President made it clear that the fight for women’s reproductive rights is far from over and called on everyone to stand together in defense of these fundamental freedoms.

The ban in Arizona was implemented shortly after the Florida state Supreme Court approved a strict six-week ban in the Sunshine State. This decision raised concerns about the legality of in vitro fertilization (IVF), especially following the Alabama state Supreme Court’s ruling in February, which declared frozen embryos as children under state law. The Republican party faced bipartisan criticism and had to quickly find a response to these developments.

The recent developments have brought the issue, which has historically favored Democrats, into the forefront of national attention leading up to the November elections. These developments have also sparked inquiries about Trump’s position on the matter. As the former president tries to appeal to moderate voters, he must navigate the delicate balance of not alienating the anti-abortion Republicans who form his base.

Democratic strategist Jon Reinish believes that Democrats, including the Biden campaign and candidates, are making the right move by linking their message to President Trump. With recent polling indicating that Trump has an advantage in crucial swing states, Reinish suggests that this strategy could provide a significant boost for the president and his campaign.

During his time as President, Trump made a significant impact on the Supreme Court by appointing three conservative justices. This ultimately led to the landmark decision in 2022 to overturn Roe v. Wade, which resulted in the regulation of abortion being handed over to individual states. The ruling sparked outrage among many, and it was seen as a pivotal factor that drove Democrats during the midterms that same year.

In a recent video, Trump reaffirmed his stance on abortion, proudly claiming responsibility for ending Roe. However, he did not explicitly state whether he would support federal abortion restrictions if re-elected, emphasizing that such limitations should be determined by individual states.

Arizona’s ruling, which quickly followed the release of his video, immediately refocused attention on Trump’s beliefs. Trump himself later informed reporters that he would not endorse an abortion ban if it were presented to him, prompting the Biden campaign to label him as a “liar.”

According to a statement from Michael Tyler, communications director for the Biden campaign, President Trump has consistently pushed for abortion bans. The campaign’s latest ad highlights the case of a Texas woman who was unable to access an abortion due to Trump’s actions that impacted Roe v. Wade.

Harris has taken on the role of the administration’s primary spokesperson on abortion, spearheading a nationwide tour earlier this year that specifically addressed the ongoing battle for abortion rights.

According to Reinish, she is currently playing a crucial and impactful role in the campaign on abortion as the 2024 race becomes more intense.

According to Reinish, the significance of having a woman like Kamala Harris leading conversations about women’s health is that it highlights the fact that these decisions primarily belong to women. Additionally, Harris has a track record of being more assertive, passionate, and thorough in her approach to this issue compared to Biden. It appears that Biden is content with having Harris take on this role.

During a campaign stop in Nevada on Monday, a crucial swing state with a closely contested Senate race, Harris passionately criticized the former president for avoiding the issue of a federal ban. She used this opportunity to rally support for a ballot measure effort related to abortion in the state.

During a speech in Las Vegas on Monday, Vice President Harris emphasized the connection between the recent developments in states like Arizona and the actions of the previous president. She stated, “There is a direct track between what we’ve seen in states like Arizona, what the people of Nevada are fighting for, and who the previous president was.”

In red states like Missouri, Montana, and Nebraska, there are ongoing efforts to include abortion measures on the ballot for the upcoming November elections.

Experts suggest that these measures have the potential to significantly increase voter turnout, especially considering the lack of enthusiasm among much of the electorate for the Biden-Trump rematch at the top of the ticket.

According to McKenna, prioritizing abortion rights is not only the right thing to do from a policy standpoint but also has significant electoral advantages for Democrats and poses a major challenge for Republicans. She highlights the widespread support for protecting access to the procedure, as indicated by polling data.

Abortion rights advocates in Florida are pushing for a measure to be included on the November ballot that would protect the right to abortion. This initiative aims to overturn a restrictive ban and safeguard the procedure before viability. It’s worth noting that Florida is President Trump’s home state.

Republican strategist Liz Mair predicts that the former president will face increasing pressure as the national spotlight focuses on the issue, specifically regarding his voting stance on the measure in the upcoming fall.

According to Mair, answering the question of cutoffs and exceptions may potentially alienate voters within the party, as there is a significant divide on this issue. Trump’s stance has been inconsistent, as he previously criticized Florida’s six-week ban but recently labeled Democrats as “radical” for supporting later abortions.

According to Mair, Democrats have limited options when it comes to their political agenda, with abortion being one of their main focuses. Mair believes that although it may not guarantee them victory in the election, it is still a strong card for them to play.

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