Judge denies Hunter Biden’s request to dismiss tax charges

Judge Scarsi expressed doubt about Biden’s arguments. According to his order on Monday, Scarsi stated that Biden did not present “clear evidence” of discriminatory intent and only offered “conjecture” regarding the decisions made by prosecutors in the case.

Biden’s attorney, Abbe Lowell, expressed strong disagreement with the Court’s decision and emphasized their commitment to vigorously pursuing challenges regarding the Special Counsel’s handling of the investigation and the charges in this case. In a statement to CBS News, Lowell stated, “We will continue to fight against the abnormal manner in which the Special Counsel conducted the investigation and brought forth these charges.”

Biden has entered a plea of not guilty for all the charges against him.

Federal prosecutors claim that President Biden’s son participated in a “four-year scheme” aimed at evading the payment of at least $1.4 million in federal taxes. In December, they filed charges against him, accusing him of committing felonies and misdemeanors in connection with his alleged failure to file and pay taxes, evasion of assessment, and the submission of a false or fraudulent tax return.

According to prosecutors, Hunter Biden allegedly failed to pay taxes on over $7 million in gross income. They claim that he funded an extravagant lifestyle and evaded taxes by categorizing personal expenses, including luxury hotel stays, luxury vehicle rentals, and escort services, as business deductions.


If he is found guilty, he could potentially be sentenced to a maximum of 17 years in prison.

Hunter Biden’s counsel made another important argument, stating that the tax charges went against a legally binding diversion agreement that was reached last year. However, the prosecutors countered by pointing out that the proposed agreement had not been approved by the U.S. Office of Probation and had not yet taken effect. It was determined by Scarsi that Hunter Biden did not receive immunity from the charges.

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