Lara Trump Claims Her Father-in-Law is the Most Victimized Person in History

Lara Trump, co-chair of the Republican National Committee, made a bold statement on Wednesday, suggesting that her father-in-law, former President Donald Trump, has been the biggest victim in history.

During an interview with Trump on his show “Frontline,” Newsmax host Carl Higbie praised the Trump campaign’s ability to overcome fake information and achieve success with less funding than their competitors.

Trump responded:

If you wanna look at a family, and I’ll say a man in Donald Trump, who has nothing but misinformation and disinformation that they like to say on the other side of the aisle thrown at him every single day. I mean, there’s never been anyone in history, I don’t think, that has taken as much incoming as Donald Trump, and yet every day it feels like we are vindicated in so many spaces because at some point, Carl, the truth ultimately comes out.

In her concluding statement, she emphasized that people are beginning to awaken to the truth, as lies can only deceive for a limited period of time.

In March, Trump assumed the position of co-chair of the RNC. She received her father-in-law’s endorsement after Ronna McDaniel’s resignation.


Since then, Trump has released a pop single, hinted at more songs in the works, and made a commitment to dedicate “every single penny” at the RNC to the re-election of her father-in-law in 2024.

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