Left-leaning New Yorkers Organize Primary Protest Vote Against Biden’s War Policies

Democrats who choose to cast blank ballots instead of voting for Joe Biden want to make it clear that their decision does not indicate any desire for Donald Trump to win.

Several Democratic Socialists of America chapters, along with numerous other groups, have given their endorsement to the campaign. According to DeBarros, there are thousands of voters who have pledged their support, and eight elected officials have also backed the initiative.

There are some individuals who are vocal about their belief that increasing pressure on Biden for a permanent ceasefire in Gaza will ultimately strengthen the Democratic Party by the time November comes around.

Assemblymember Zohran Mamdani, a Queens Democrat aligned with the DSA, expressed his concern about the president’s actions in supporting and enabling the genocide. He emphasized that these actions could potentially hinder the president’s chances of defeating Trump in the upcoming November elections. Mamdani, who refrained from casting a vote during the early voting period, emphasized the potential negative impact of the president’s actions on his electoral prospects.

Joe Biden, a moderate in his 80s, has been facing difficulties in appealing to younger and more progressive voters. The ongoing conflict and the tragic loss of over 30,000 Palestinian lives have further exacerbated the situation. These events have sparked widespread protests and disruptions, including a notable incident last month. During a Manhattan fundraiser where Biden, Barack Obama, and Bill Clinton were speaking, a demonstration took place, attracting significant attention. It is worth noting that the event managed to raise a staggering $26 million, setting a new record.


“When thousands of innocent civilians are being killed, there is no longer a debate about which tool is the most comfortable,” stated City Council Member Alexa Avilés, a Brooklyn Democrat, during an interview. “This is a crucial moment for us to take a stand, where numbers can directly communicate with the president.”

While not all supporters of Leave It Blank are members of the DSA, and not all DSA-backed elected officials are included in the endorsement list, it is important to note that prominent figures like Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez are missing from the list. Ocasio-Cortez, who has spoken in defense of Biden’s accomplishments, also made a powerful statement on the floor recently, urging people to acknowledge the gravity of certain situations: “If you want to know what an unfolding genocide looks like, open your eyes.”

Biden’s representatives emphasized that the Democratic Party is inclusive and represents a diverse range of perspectives.

“The fundamental belief of the president is that it is crucial for every American to express their views and actively engage in our democratic system,” stated Lauren Hitt, spokesperson for the Biden campaign. “He shares the common objective of putting an end to the violence and establishing a fair and enduring peace in the Middle East. He is tirelessly dedicated to achieving that goal.”

Among Biden’s supporters are elected Democrats who are younger or identify as progressives.

According to Leave It Blank participants, the primary serves as a crucial platform for Democrats to engage in debates. However, skeptics argue that it is essential for the party to prioritize unity at this time. Interestingly, certain Biden supporters who lean towards the left will not only be supporting him but will also be actively involved in the election process as delegates.

Diana Ayala, a member of the City Council, is among those individuals.

In an interview, she expressed her concern about promoting political division, even though we may feel discontented about certain situations.

The true extent of Leave It Blank’s reach will only be determined in the coming weeks. This will occur when the blank ballots are included in the final certified vote count, as opposed to the initial unofficial count on primary night.

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