Mike Pence: Donald Trump Just Slapped Millions Of Americans ‘in The Face’

Former Vice President Mike Pence strongly criticized Donald Trump’s stance on abortion rights, labeling it as a “retreat.” Pence expressed his disappointment with Trump’s revealed approach to the matter in the event of his reelection in November.

In a video posted on Monday morning to his social media platform, Truth Social, Donald Trump, the presumptive 2024 Republican presidential nominee, voiced his stance on abortion rights. He stated that he would entrust the decision regarding abortion to individual states.

In a video statement, Trump expressed his belief that the issue of abortion should be determined at the state level through votes or legislation. According to him, now that abortion is legally available, it is up to the states to decide their own laws regarding this matter. Trump emphasized that the decisions made by the states should be respected and considered as the law of the land, specifically within each state.

During the discussion, he emphasized his firm support for exceptions in cases of rape, incest, and when the life of the mother is at stake.

“At the end of the day,” Trump emphasized, “it all boils down to the determination and choice of the people.”


Some people see his comments as an attempt to reassure moderate voters who are concerned about his stance on federal restrictions on abortion. Abortion rights have become a contentious issue for Republicans, especially as voters in various parts of the United States have shown support for maintaining those rights. However, his position on abortion has not been well-received by his conservative base. Many of his conservative supporters advocate for nationwide restrictions or even complete bans on abortion.

Pence, who was Trump’s vice president during his first term in office but distanced himself from him after the riot at the U.S. Capitol building on January 6, 2021, has now joined the ranks of conservative critics who are against Trump’s stance on abortion.

In a post on X, previously known as Twitter, he criticized Republican politicians who, in his opinion, are too eager to distance themselves from the fight for life. He expressed his disapproval shortly after Trump revealed his stance on abortion.

In a scathing letter, former Vice President Mike Pence expressed his disappointment with President Trump’s change of stance on the Right to Life. Pence stated that this shift is a disrespectful move towards the millions of pro-life Americans who supported Trump in both the 2016 and 2020 elections.

The Trump administration celebrated its nomination of conservative Supreme Court justices who successfully overturned the landmark decision of Roe v. Wade. This historic ruling had safeguarded abortion rights across the United States for many years. The significant case that led to this overturning was Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, which took place in June 2022.

After the Dobbs decision, Republicans experienced a backlash from voters. Democrats have been performing exceptionally well in special elections and have successfully mitigated Republican gains during the 2022 midterms. Their campaign largely centered around safeguarding reproductive rights. Surprisingly, even conservative-leaning states like Kansas have witnessed the passage of pro-abortion right ballot referendums.

Pence expressed his belief on X that Republicans have the potential to prevail on the issue of abortion by boldly speaking the truth and firmly standing on the principles that resonate with us all.

He added that no matter how much the Republican nominee or other candidates try to downplay the importance of the pro-life cause, he is confident that pro-life Americans will continue to fight until the sanctity of life is once again placed at the forefront of American law in every state.

In the Republican presidential primary, Pence had once challenged Trump, positioning himself as a more traditionally conservative choice. However, he ultimately suspended his campaign in October, several months before the first votes were cast. Pence faced difficulties in gaining momentum against his former boss.

In a March interview with Fox News, Pence made it clear that he would not be endorsing Donald Trump this year.

“I cannot endorse Donald Trump in this campaign,” he stated. “His agenda contradicts the conservative principles that guided our governance during our four years.”

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