Moderates In South Carolina Show Support For Haley, Poll Reveals

Aiexpress – According to a recent poll, Nikki Haley, a GOP presidential candidate, is still trailing behind Donald Trump in the South Carolina primary election. However, she is gaining support from moderate voters.

According to a recent poll conducted by Suffolk University/USA TODAY, it was revealed that 59% of individuals who identified themselves as liberals or moderates expressed their intention to vote for the former South Carolina governor. On the other hand, 38% of respondents indicated their preference for Trump.

In addition, she held a slight advantage among individuals who indicated that they are participating in the GOP primary for the first time, with 51 percent.

According to the survey, Haley holds a significant advantage over the former president among those who believe that democracy is the most crucial issue of the future. A staggering 63 percent of respondents expressed their support for Haley in this regard.

Among those likely to vote in Saturday’s Republican primary, a significant majority of 63 percent expressed their preference for Trump, while 35 percent indicated their intention to cast a ballot in favor of Haley. Trump emerged as the clear frontrunner in this category.


South Carolina holds great importance for Haley’s presidential campaign, considering it is her home state. However, her chances of winning seem slim. A recent poll indicated that Trump continues to dominate in the state, with 65 percent of potential voters favoring him.

The Suffolk University/USA Today poll conducted a survey from Thursday to Sunday, reaching out to 500 South Carolinians who expressed a high likelihood of voting in the primary or had already cast an early ballot. The margin of sampling error for the survey is plus or minus 4.4 percentage points, as reported by the outlet.

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