New York Governor Kathy Hochul says Trump’s abortion ban has caused self-indictment in the eyes of women

New York Governor Kathy Hochul asserted on Tuesday that Donald Trump’s chances of winning over women voters have been greatly diminished by the repeal of Roe v. Wade. She further stated that his recent remarks on abortion will not alter this situation.

During an appearance on MSNBC, Hochul criticized the former president, Trump, for his inconsistent stance on a national ban. Hochul pointed out that Trump initially expressed support for a national ban in March, but later changed his position in April when the polls didn’t favor him. Hochul also raised concerns about Trump losing support from evangelicals due to his shifting views on the issue.

She went on to say, “You’ll continue to go back and forth until election day, and there’s one thing I want to point out: Donald Trump has faced numerous indictments across the country, including here in New York. With his recent actions, he has effectively indicted himself in the eyes of women all over America.”

Hocul responded to Trump’s recent statement on abortion rights, which was released on Monday. In his statement, Trump tried to distance himself from the complete ban on abortion that is included in the Republican Party Platform.

In his statement, Trump misled the public by misrepresenting the views of legal scholars on Roe. He conveniently omitted his own endorsement of a national abortion ban and his repeated boasts about his role in the repeal of Roe v. Wade. It is worth noting that during his 2016 campaign, one of his key promises was to nominate anti-abortion justices to the Supreme Court.


In expressing his stance on IVF, which entails the disposal of nonviable embryos, he did mention his support for it. This viewpoint resonates with right-wing voters who typically oppose abortion. Additionally, he stated that the legality of abortion would be determined at the state level, either through voting, legislation, or a combination of both. Although this statement has been interpreted as Trump proposing that states have the authority to decide, experts point out that he still upholds legislation and regulatory measures aimed at outlawing abortion across the entire nation.

Experts point out that the Republican Party’s abortion bans, prevalent in every state under their control, face significant opposition from the American public. It is believed that Trump’s recent statement is an effort to mitigate the political consequences resulting from these bans.

Hochul expressed her clear opinion that she believes Trump is not truthful, and she is confident that women voters will not be swayed by his false statements.

Hochul made a straightforward observation, stating that it is easy to tell when Donald Trump is lying – his lips are moving. She emphasized that this pattern has been evident numerous times. Hochul added that women do not trust Trump due to the actions he has taken against them, which have resulted in the destruction of their lives, freedom, and sense of security. She confidently declared that women will hold him accountable for his actions, asserting that Trump has gone too far and that no one believes him anymore.

In June 2022, the U.S. Supreme Court, with the inclusion of three justices appointed by Trump, made a pivotal decision in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization. This decision overturned Roe v. Wade, thereby eliminating the federal right that women had to undergo abortions.

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