Ohio GOP senator disputes Biden administration’s celebratory reaction to employment report: ‘People just don’t buy it.’

Sen. J.D. Vance of Ohio criticized the Biden administration on Sunday for its ecstatic response to last Friday’s seemingly historic jobs report, which revealed 303,000 job additions in March and a drop in unemployment to 3.8%.

During a debate with Fox News’ Maria Bartiromo on “Sunday Morning Futures,” Vance said that people do not believe President Biden’s claims about the economy’s success.

The Ohio Republican echoed other party members’ statements that Americans are struggling to make ends meet while also underscoring their claimed fears that their areas have grown increasingly hazardous.

“People recognize that it’s getting harder to live your dreams under the Biden economy, and it’s unfortunately because a lot of that net job growth has gone to the foreign-born,” he said. “What a disgraceful commentary for the president to be bragging about an economy that is benefiting illegal immigrants more than American citizens.”

Former Trump economic adviser Kevin Hassett has similar views, telling Bartiromo last Friday that, while the statistics may show a favorable job rise, American job losses reveal a different narrative.


“To people who are U.S. residents, a year ago, about 650,000 of them lost their jobs this year, so what’s going on is that there is an employment boom that’s coming from these people who are streaming across the border,” he went on to say.

Vance, returning to the premise that the American population is hurting, disputed White House statements claiming that inflation has slowed.

“The two things I hear most about are that it’s still really, really hard to afford a good life in this country; from car payments to home payments, a lot of the major indexes of inflation undercount the ways in which people are struggling day to day,” he went on to say.

“Larry Summers, the Obama administration’s economist, has repeatedly stated that when you look at what most people spend their wages on, prices are not falling. Inflation remains a big issue for American workers.

Vance also discussed crime and public safety, which is a prevalent topic among Republicans, particularly those who focus on the role illegal immigration has had in misconduct, such as the sad death of Georgia nursing student Laken Riley earlier this year.

“An illegal immigrant was caught murdering someone in Hamilton, Ohio. “When people say Ohio isn’t a border state, we’re certainly dealing with the problems caused by Joe Biden’s open border,” he explained.

“This has got to stop, and unless you stop it, I don’t think you’re going to give people any sense of real safety in their communities.”

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Jimmy Clyde
Jimmy Clyde
Articles: 290

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