Prosecutor in Florida suspended by Governor DeSantis seeks re-election

A Florida prosecutor, who was suspended by Governor Ron DeSantis (R) for his refusal to enforce state laws on abortion, has announced his candidacy for re-election on Tuesday.

In 2022, Governor DeSantis suspended Andrew Warren, the Hillsborough County State Attorney (D), on grounds of “neglect of duty.” The reason behind this suspension was Warren’s refusal to enforce bans on abortion and transgender surgery. Currently, Warren is striving to regain his position amidst ongoing legal disputes surrounding his removal.

“In 2020, you, the people, entrusted me with the responsibility of serving as your state attorney because you had faith in my vision, and that faith was not misplaced. Our collective efforts yielded remarkable results: crime rates plummeted by an impressive 30 percent, ensuring that dangerous criminals were taken off our streets. Through the collaborative efforts of law enforcement agencies and community partners, we successfully transformed Hillsborough into the safest large county in the state of Florida,” expressed the state attorney in his announcement video.

“On August 4, 2022, Ron DeSantis unlawfully removed me from office, with armed guards,” he added.

State Attorney Susan Lopez (R), who was appointed to the role after Warren was suspended, will be his opponent in the upcoming race.


“But our battle is far from finished. My successor, who was appointed without being elected, was chosen solely based on her unwavering loyalty to Ron DeSantis. Today, I am seeking election as state attorney in order to represent and serve the entire population of Hillsborough County,” he declared.

According to the Tampa Bay Times, Warren made the announcement in January that he would not be running against Lopez due to the ongoing court case. Warren explained in an interview with the newspaper that one of the factors influencing his decision was a recent favorable ruling in his case.

Warren took legal action against DeSantis, claiming that his First Amendment rights were violated when he was suspended from his position. Earlier this year, Warren received a glimmer of hope when an appeals court revived his lawsuit, which had previously been dismissed by a federal judge.

The three-judge appeals panel, instead, decided to send the case back and instructed the judge to reassess his ruling. This was because some of the activities that led to his suspension were actually protected.

When the Hill reached out to Ryan Smith, a senior strategist for Lopez’s campaign, for comment on his reelection campaign, he directed his criticism towards Warren.

According to Warren, Andrew Warren prioritizes pleasing far-left activists and donors over the well-being of crime victims in Hillsborough County. In contrast, State Attorney Suzy Lopez is a dedicated career prosecutor who has successfully removed violent criminals from the streets and ensured justice for victims and their families.

“The contrast couldn’t be more apparent: liberal politician Andrew Warren versus tough-as-nails career prosecutor Suzy Lopez. It’s undeniable that Hillsborough residents are in safer hands with Suzy,” he emphasized.

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