Psaki: Third-party candidates like RFK Jr. a significant challenge for Biden

According to Jen Psaki, the host of MSNBC and former White House press secretary, having third-party candidates like Robert F. Kennedy Jr. poses a significant challenge for President Biden’s reelection campaign. Psaki emphasized that these candidates are a “huge, huge, huge problem.”

Jen Psaki highlighted that there might be voters who are not fully aware of his anti-vaxxer and conspiracy theorist beliefs. She also mentioned that the Biden campaign and Democratic National Committee are actively working to spread this information.

The absence of Kennedy as an option has resulted in a tighter race, with Trump securing 44.6 percent of the vote and Biden closely trailing at 43.6 percent.

Kennedy, a well-known vaccine skeptic, made the decision to resign from his position at the Children’s Health Defense organization, which is regarded as one of the most well-funded anti-vaccine organizations in the United States, in order to pursue a presidential campaign.

In 2019, three of Kennedy’s relatives wrote an op-ed criticizing his stance on anti-vaccine advocacy, expressing their belief that it is both “wrong” and “dangerous.”


Several members of Kennedy’s family have publicly expressed their support for Biden in 2024 and are said to be increasing their efforts in that regard. This began with a recent family visit to the White House.

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