RFK Jr’s environmental colleagues urge him to withdraw presidential campaign following Kennedy family endorses Biden

Several national organizations and former environmental colleagues of Robert F. Kennedy Jr. are urging him to withdraw from the 2024 presidential race.

Twelve environmental groups have come together to issue a strong message to the American public: it is time to reject RFK Jr and the harmful beliefs he promotes. In an open letter published on Friday, these organizations, including the political arm of the Natural Resources Defense Council where Mr. Kennedy previously worked as an environmental attorney, have urged citizens to take action before it’s too late.

According to Erich Pica, the executive director of Friends of the Earth, it is uncommon for multiple environmental organizations to unite around a particular issue.

“It’s not often that you come across so many groups from various segments of the community, all expressing the same sentiment in perfect harmony through open letters,” Mr. Pica shared with The Independent.

In a scathing letter published just before Earth Day, RFK Jr is labeled as a “dangerous conspiracy theorist” and a “science denier.”


According to Brett Hartl from the Center for Biological Diversity Action Fund, one of the co-signing organizations, RFK Jr is using the environmental movement for his own agenda.

According to Mr. Hartl, by his actions, he is not only undermining the efforts of the genuine environmental community but also neglecting their hard work in preserving the environment on a daily basis (The Independent).

RFK Jr has relied on his background as an environmental attorney throughout his campaign. However, he has recently garnered criticism from the environmental advocacy community for his stance on the Inflation Reduction Act. This significant climate legislation allocated billions of dollars towards various green-energy projects.

Mr. Hartl expressed concern not only about RFK Jr’s policies but also about his controversial opinions regarding vaccines and the Covid-19 pandemic.

He continued to emphasize that promoting conspiracy theories is not a solution to the climate crisis.

In a speech given in January 2022, the candidate made a controversial claim that imposing vaccine passports resembled the extermination policies of Nazi Germany. However, he later apologized for these remarks.

The National Resources Defense Council Action Fund is currently financing political advertisements in swing states to oppose the nephew of the late President John F. Kennedy.

One advertisement criticizes RFK Jr. for his vanity candidacy, accusing him of playing the role of an election spoiler. The ad claims that this benefits Donald Trump, who is regarded as the worst environmental president in the history of our country.

In a powerful display of support, President Joe Biden has received the official endorsement of at least 15 members of Mr. Kennedy’s family. This significant endorsement comes just a day before the release of an open letter expressing their unwavering support for the President.

According to Kerry Kennedy, the sister of RFK Jr, supporting Mr. Biden would signify a vote in favor of safeguarding our democracy and upholding our values of decency.

“In 2024, there are only two candidates who have a real shot at winning the presidency,” she stated on Thursday. “We want to emphasize our strong belief that the most favorable path for America is to give Joe Biden and Kamala Harris another four years in office.”

In a recent incident, RFK Jr found himself in a position where he had to apologize to his family. This situation arose after he aired a campaign advertisement during the Super Bowl, which invoked the Kennedys’ political legacy.

“My cousin’s Super Bowl ad featured the faces of our uncle and my mother,” tweeted Bobby Shriver, who is also a nephew of the former president. “My mother would be horrified by his dangerous stance on healthcare. Valuing science, vaccines, and equitable healthcare access were principles deeply ingrained in her.”

As polling between Mr. Biden and Mr. Trump tightens, the family has formally endorsed the president.

Some Democrats have expressed concerns that RFK Jr’s participation in the race may divide the vote, posing a challenge for Mr. Biden to secure a second term. Mr. Pica, speaking to The Independent, stated that RFK Jr’s campaign could potentially benefit Mr. Trump, which would be disheartening for the environmental activist community, considering the former president’s dismissal of climate change.

According to Mr. Pica, if he appears on the ballots, his candidacy could greatly influence the election in favor of Trump, resulting in a catastrophic outcome.

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