Rudy Giuliani’s request for a new defamation trial is rejected by federal judge

A $148 million defamation judgment against former Donald Trump campaign official Rudy Giuliani was not dismissed by a federal judge on Monday.

In her ruling, Judge Howell stated that Giuliani’s recent motion to overturn the jury’s verdict and reverse the court’s previous findings is insufficient to prove that the evidence and reasonable inferences are so overwhelmingly one-sided that a verdict in favor of the plaintiffs could not have been reached.

Freeman and Moss, a mother and daughter duo, initially demanded a minimum of $24 million each as compensation for the defamatory remarks made by Giuliani, which falsely implicated them in the theft of the 2020 presidential election from Trump. They argued that his statements resulted in a barrage of threats and harassment directed towards them.

Giuliani admitted to defaming Freeman and Moss with malice in the final judgment of the case. However, he strongly criticized the excessive amount of the penalty, deeming it “absurd.” He also expressed his intention to appeal the decision.

In her ruling on Monday, Judge Howell rejected his claims for a fresh trial. This included his argument that the jury’s decision to grant $20 million each for emotional damages suffered by Freeman and Moss lacked “competent evidence.” Giuliani contended that since there was no expert testimony indicating the extent of distress caused specifically by him, as opposed to other pre-existing factors, the awarded amount was unjustified. However, Judge Howell dismissed these assertions.


The judge firmly rejects this argument, as it goes against established law in this jurisdiction. According to the well-settled law in this circuit, a plaintiff’s testimony alone can be sufficient to substantiate a claim for damages due to emotional distress. It is important to note that in cases like this, there is no requirement for physical harm to be proven.

According to her, the plaintiffs provided “credible and detailed testimony” regarding the mental anguish they experienced due to Mr. Giuliani and his co-conspirators. This included feelings of pain, fear, inconvenience, nervousness, indignity, insult, humiliation, and embarrassment.

Giuliani, too, faces criminal charges in a case filed by Georgia prosecutors. They allege that he played a part in attempting to overturn the results of the state’s 2020 presidential election, which was won by Democrat Joe Biden. Giuliani maintains his innocence and has pleaded not guilty to the charges.

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