Social Security Chief Cautions Against Gop Proposal To Increase Retirement Age

Social Security Administration (SSA) Commissioner Martin O’Malley has cautioned against raising the retirement age for the program, as he believes it would have a disproportionate impact on blue-collar workers. This comes in response to the recent proposal by the Republican Study Committee (RSC) to increase the retirement age.

The RSC, consisting of almost 80 percent of House Republicans, unveiled a budget proposal on Wednesday. The proposal aims to raise the age of Social Security eligibility in order to adjust for the growing life expectancy. However, the specifics of this adjustment were not provided. Currently, the full retirement age for the Social Security program stands at 67.

During a House Ways and Means Committee hearing on Thursday, former Maryland Governor Martin O’Malley emphasized the American people’s desire to see their government strengthen and expand Social Security, rather than making cuts, reducing its reach, or compromising its customer service.

He emphasized the need for caution when considering raising the age, as there are individuals who have worked strenuously throughout their lives and have a shorter lifespan as a result.

Democratic lawmakers criticized the budget proposal put forth by the RSC.


“I personally believe that it is unfair to expect Americans to continue working until they are no longer able,” expressed Rep. Bill Pascrell (D-N.J.).

Rep. John Larson (D-Conn.) emphasized that the underfunding of the Social Security Administration (SSA) is an assault on hard-working Americans and the benefits they have earned. He stressed that these benefits are not entitlements, but rather the result of individuals’ diligent efforts.

Republicans steered clear of the subject during the hearing.

The RSC proposal highlights President Biden’s previous support for raising the age from 65 to 67 during his time as a senator in the 1980s. It emphasizes the need for action on Social Security, as projections indicate that the program will become insolvent within a decade if no changes are made.

The RSC proposal emphasizes the pressing need for Congress to address the issues surrounding Social Security as insolvency looms within the next 10 years. They assert that it is both a moral imperative and a practical necessity to find solutions for this crucial program.

In order to ensure the program’s full funding, Biden has suggested an increase in payroll taxes for Americans with an income exceeding $400,000.

On Thursday, O’Malley also gave his endorsement to Biden’s proposal for providing guaranteed 12-week paid leave to lower-paid workers.

“It’s unfair that despite being one of the most advanced economies globally, we are among the few nations that lack paid family leave,” he remarked.

In December, Biden selected O’Malley, the former governor of Maryland, to serve as the Social Security commissioner.

President Biden has put forth a proposal to boost the Social Security Administration’s (SSA) discretionary budget to $15.4 billion, which would mark a significant increase of $1.3 billion. The aim of this increase is to address the administrative challenges faced by the agency, including the need to maintain sufficient staff and tackle the backlog of disability status applications.

According to O’Malley, it has been nine years since Congress last held a budget hearing for the SSA. During this period, there has been a noticeable decline in the quality of services provided by the SSA.

O’Malley urged the committee to approve President Biden’s proposed investment into SSA, describing it as “a significant stride in the right direction.”

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