Spanish Shipwreck From 1708 Containing $17 Billion Worth Of Treasure To Be Recovered

The Spanish galleon ship San José, which sank in Colombian waters centuries ago, is finally set to be recovered in April, as confirmed by officials. After nearly a decade since its initial discovery, this long-awaited retrieval of the estimated $17 billion shipwreck is about to take place.

The Colombian government announced on Tuesday that they are making history by introducing a new model of comprehensive public management for an archaeological site and cultural asset of interest. This groundbreaking initiative is the first of its kind and is aimed at protecting and preserving these valuable historical treasures.

According to the findings of Colombian Navy divers in June 2022, the treasure of the 150-foot-long, 64-gun, three-masted galleon ship consists of 200 tons of silver and emeralds, 11 million gold coins, as well as an intact Chinese dinner service and porcelain pottery.

In a news conference back in 2015, former Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos expressed his astonishment at the rediscovery of the wreck. He boldly stated, “This discovery marks the unearthing of the most valuable treasure in the history of humanity.” Additionally, Santos took a moment to honor the 600 individuals who were aboard the ship at the time of its demise.

According to the release, Colombian President Gustavo Petro has ordered the coordination of the recovery efforts by the Ministry of Cultures, Arts and Knowledge, the National Navy’s General Maritime Directorate, and the Colombian Institute of Anthropology and History.


In 1708, the British warships sank the San José as it was on its way back to Spain. The ship was carrying a precious cargo of treasure that was intended to support The War of the Spanish Succession, a major European conflict that took place from 1701 to 1714.

Colombian officials revealed in a press release that the elusive shipwreck, whose deep-sea location had remained a mystery until 2015, is situated near Cartagena, a bustling port city on Colombia’s Caribbean coast.

Former President Santos made an announcement in December 2015 about the discovery of the San José galleon. This discovery sparked a global discussion about who the rightful owner of the ship’s treasures should be.

According to court documents obtained by Business Insider in 2023, several parties including Colombia, Spain, Bolivian Indigenous groups, and an American salvage company have made legal claims to the historical wreck, which is currently valued at $17 billion.

In 1981, Sea Search Armada (SSA), a U.S. salvage company, made a claim that they had discovered the whereabouts of the San José. They then sought legal ownership against Colombia in order to recover the ship.

According to court documents, the galleon was declared the property of the Colombian state in 2011 by a U.S. court.

In 2018, the Colombian government’s attempt to auction some of the San José’s artifacts to fund the recovery costs was met with intervention from UNESCO, the United Nations cultural agency.

In a letter to Colombian Culture Minister Mariana Garces Cordoba, the cultural agency emphasized that permitting the commercial utilization of Colombia’s cultural heritage contradicts the highest scientific standards and international ethical principles, particularly outlined in the UNESCO Underwater Cultural Heritage Convention.

According to the release, a decision was officially made in May 2022 to preserve the priceless cultural heritage of Colombians by designating it as a protected archaeological area at the national level.

According to officials, the recovery process in Colombia will receive an investment of 17,962 million pesos ($1,073,646) from the Colombian State.

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