The Controversy Surrounding Abortion Rights Continues To Haunt Trump, Much To Biden’s Expectation

Former President Donald Trump finds himself constantly confronted with the issue of abortion rights.

Trump probably had the hope that he could resolve the matter through a video lasting over 4 minutes, in which he expressed his belief that the future of abortion rights should be determined at the state level. However, the recent ruling by the Arizona state Supreme Court serves as a clear reminder that transferring the issue solely to the state level is not a guaranteed solution.

During a press briefing on Wednesday, the former president expressed his strong disagreement with the recent ruling made by the Arizona court. He believed that the court had exceeded its authority by enforcing a near-total ban on abortions that dated back to 1864, a time prior to the Civil War.

Many Republicans, including those who had previously supported the ban, quickly criticized the decision, highlighting the significant political consequences it carries.

There are still some intriguing questions that the former president has left unanswered.


On Wednesday, Trump made a clear and definitive statement, assuring that he would not support a nationwide abortion ban if he were to become president and if Congress were to pass such legislation. However, his personal stance on the matter and how he will vote remains uncertain. As a resident of Florida, he will have the chance to cast his vote on an abortion rights ballot initiative in November.

“I should be elected,” said Biden confidently during a press conference at the White House when asked about the Arizona ruling. “I am living in the present, in the 21st century, not in the past. Arizona wasn’t even a state back then.”

Jen Cox, a senior advisor for Arizona from the Biden-Harris team, expressed concern over the developments in Arizona, attributing them to Donald Trump’s overturning of Roe v. Wade. Cox emphasized that these actions are both cruel and a significant danger to our well-being and personal liberties. Cox emphasized the importance of recognizing the profound impact this has on women in our state. Moreover, she highlighted the collective effort from Democrats, Independents, and Republicans alike in holding Trump accountable, as demonstrated in the 2022 elections.

Politically, Biden has good reason to believe he’s on solid ground

Abortion rights advocates have won an unbroken line of triumphs at the state level, either by opposing additional restrictions or expanding abortion access. Multiple polls demonstrate that voters strongly oppose limits. Last month, a KFF study revealed that 71% of Germans hold the belief that abortion should be legal in all or most cases. Biden, who questioned Roe as a young senator, is now vigorously supporting reproductive rights as part of his reelection campaign.

Still, putting abortion on the ballot is unlikely to save the president’s sagging approval rating. A Politico investigation revealed that Republican voters who supported other Republican candidates made the deciding difference when voters in five states evaluated abortion rights. Abortion rights may be directly on the ballots in key battleground states this November, such as Arizona and Nevada.

Trump is not alone in his struggle. Since Roe’s reversal, Republicans as a whole have failed to devise an effective strategy to confront abortion. It doesn’t help that many officials, including the past president, have supported stricter abortion restrictions, even if, for political reasons, they may now try to distance themselves from those remarks.

As the former president noted, conservatives may have to weigh the future of greater abortion restrictions against the risk of losing important races.

“You must follow your heart on this issue, but remember, you must also win elections to restore our culture and, in fact, to save our country, which is currently, and very sadly, a nation in decline,” he stated.

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