The Democratic Party Has Lost Its Sanity Since Joe Lieberman’s Death

The death of Joe Lieberman serves as a harsh reminder of the madness that has engulfed his political party.

Joe Lieberman, the four-term senator from Connecticut and the first-ever Jewish VP candidate, was known for his honorable and reasonable nature.

Throughout his career, he demonstrated a fearless willingness to diverge from party norms.

He became the first national Democrat to publicly criticize then-President Bill Clinton for his affair with Monica Lewinsky. This was a bold move considering the highly polarized climate surrounding Clinton’s actions and the allegations of perjury to cover them up.

Despite aligning with his party on issues such as the environment and gay rights, he diverged from their stance on foreign policy. He supported the Iraq War and maintained a steadfast alliance with Israel throughout his political career.


The division over Iraq forced him to leave the party. He was defeated by left-leaning Democrat Ned Lamont in a Senate primary, who is now the governor of Connecticut. However, he managed to win in the general election as an independent candidate with significant bipartisan support.

Lamont represented the first wave of candidates supported by the party’s left wing, although their influence was not strong enough to secure a win at the time.

Lieberman’s departure foreshadowed future events.

Over the past few decades, the once marginal faction has risen to prominence within the ranks of the national Democratic party.

Reps. Ilhan Omar, Jamaal Bowman, and Rashida Tlaib openly express their anti-Semitic views in public, while receiving support and encouragement from their Squadmates.

Nancy Pelosi and Dan Goldman, who are often referred to as “defenders of democracy,” are known for their relentless pursuit of political power, even if it means tearing apart established norms.

The Democratic Party has become closely associated with groups like Black Lives Matter, who focus on addressing racial grievances.

Amidst the fervor for climate action that advocates for eliminating emissions entirely, regardless of the potential consequences on human lives.

As the borders remain open, there is a continuous influx of illegal immigrants.

Excluding Lieberman from the Democratic Party creates an unsightly, divisive, and harmful division within the party.

Joe, your absence will be deeply felt by those who long for a return to a more rational and balanced political landscape.

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