The origins of refugees arriving in Mississippi

Over the course of the last fifty years, the United States has provided refuge to more than 3 million displaced individuals, solidifying its position as a global leader in resettlement efforts. These individuals, who have been forced to flee their homes due to violence, persecution, and conflict, have found a new sense of hope and security within the borders of the United States.

In 2021, the annual cap of refugees that could be admitted into the country was lowered to 15,000 by then-President Donald Trump. Although the Biden administration has since raised the ceiling to 125,000, the number of refugees arriving in the U.S. did not immediately return to the levels seen before the Trump administration. However, there has been an increase in the numbers, with over 25,000 refugees arriving in the U.S. during the 2022 fiscal year, which is twice the total for 2021.

During the 2023 fiscal year, there was a significant increase in the number of refugee arrivals, surpassing the figures from the previous two years. Over 60,000 individuals sought refuge from October 2022 to September 2023.

In February 2024, the United States admitted the highest number of refugees from Congo, Syria, and Afghanistan. These nations each confront distinct circumstances that pose a threat to the safety of their citizens if they remain in their home countries.

Congo, also known as the Democratic Republic of Congo, has been grappling with a series of civil wars and internal conflicts for the past thirty years. As a result, millions of people have been uprooted, both internally and externally, with many seeking refuge in neighboring countries. Since 2011, Syria has experienced a protracted civil war, forcing over 5 million people to flee to nearby nations. Additionally, within Syria itself, approximately 6.8 million individuals have been displaced and are in search of safety elsewhere. Afghan refugees have been seeking shelter in neighboring countries, particularly Pakistan and Iran, for several decades. Combined, these two nations host more than 8 million Afghan refugees.


According to data compiled by Stacker from The Refugee Processing Center, Mississippi resettled a certain number of refugees from various countries of origin in February 2024.

February refugee statistics
Countries where refugees arrived from in February
To Mississippi:
#1. Venezuela: 4
#2. Guatemala: 3

To the U.S. as a whole:
1. Congo: 2,426 refugees
2. Afghanistan: 1,299 refugees
3. Venezuela: 1,230 refugees
4. Syria: 981 refugees
5. Burma: 826 refugees

In February, the top five states that welcomed the highest number of refugees were as follows:

1. Texas: 1,062 refugees
2. California: 572 refugees
3. Florida: 554 refugees
4. New York: 507 refugees
5. Arizona: 450 refugees

Mississippi has accepted refugees from several countries since the start of the fiscal year in October 2023. Read on to find out which countries have contributed the most refugees to Mississippi.

#1. Nicaragua

To the U.S. as a whole: 786
Top states receiving refugees from Nicaragua
#1. Florida: 151
#2. California: 60
#3. Texas: 48
#4. Minnesota: 44
#5. North Carolina: 40

#2. Eritrea

Since October 2023, a total of four refugees from Eritrea have arrived in Mississippi.

In the United States as a whole, there were a total of 735 refugees from Eritrea. The top states that received the highest number of refugees from Eritrea are as follows:

1. Texas welcomed 73 refugees from Eritrea.
2. Washington received 68 refugees from Eritrea.
3. Maryland provided refuge to 61 individuals from Eritrea.
4. North Carolina opened its doors to 45 refugees from Eritrea.
5. Ohio accepted 41 individuals seeking refuge from Eritrea.

#3. Venezuela

Since October 2023, a total of four refugees from Venezuela have arrived in Mississippi.

The total number of refugees from Venezuela that have been received by the United States is 2,504. Among the top states that have welcomed these refugees, Florida takes the lead with 501 individuals. Texas follows closely behind with 304 refugees, while Georgia has received 146. Illinois and Tennessee have taken in 143 and 110 refugees respectively.

#4. Guatemala

Since October 2023, a total of three refugees have arrived in Mississippi from Guatemala.

In the United States overall, a total of 1,920 refugees have come from Guatemala. Among the various states, California has received the highest number of refugees at 270, followed by Texas with 172, North Carolina with 148, Florida with 113, and New York with 87.

#5. Sudan

Since October 2023, two refugees from Sudan have arrived in Mississippi.

In the United States as a whole, a total of 870 refugees have been received. The top states that have welcomed refugees from Sudan are as follows:

1. Missouri has received 57 refugees.
2. Nebraska has received 56 refugees.
3. Both Texas and New York have received 55 refugees each.
5. Pennsylvania has received 54 refugees.

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