The Racist Mississippi Police Group’s Leader Received A 27-year Prison Sentence.

The unofficial leader of a group of rogue Mississippi cops who tortured two black men was sentenced to prison on Thursday, CNN reported. Prosecutors said that former officer Brett McAlpin was the “mafia don” of the self-proclaimed “Goon Squad,” which tortured Eddie Parker and Michael Jenkins in January 2023. During a house raid, the two guys were pummeled and handcuffed by officers who made racist remarks at them. Parker and Jenkins were tased and shackled, and Jenkins was shot in the mouth. McAlpin and five other police officers pleaded guilty in August to federal counts including conspiracy against rights, deprivation of rights under color of law, conspiracy to obstruct justice, and obstruction of justice. On Thursday, a federal judge sentenced McAlpin to 27 years in jail; he is still awaiting punishment on state charges. Prosecutors documented nine events over five years in which McAlpin “brutalized people with impunity,” claiming the “Goon Squad” would not have existed without him. Joshua Hartfield, the last of the six officers to plead guilty, was sentenced to ten years in jail on Thursday.

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Jimmy Clyde
Jimmy Clyde
Articles: 290

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