Trump believes RFK Jr will benefit America by attracting votes away from Biden

Donald Trump believes that Robert F Kennedy Jr’s campaign for the presidency is serving a valuable purpose for America by diverting votes away from Joe Biden. However, there are concerns that Kennedy’s independent candidacy could also have a negative impact on Trump’s chances of being re-elected as a Republican former president.

In a recent announcement, RFK Jr. introduced Nicole Shanahan, an attorney and Silicon Valley investor, as his running mate on Truth Social. Responding to this news, Mr. Trump asserted that RFK Jr. is the most radical left candidate in the race. He expressed his belief that RFK Jr. strongly supports the Green New Scam and other policies that could potentially harm the economy.

“I suppose this indicates that he will be attracting votes away from Crooked Joe Biden, which would greatly benefit America.”

“His running mate, Nicole Shanahan, holds even more liberal views than him, if that’s even possible. Kennedy is a staunch Democrat on the far left of the political spectrum, and he will always remain so!”

According to Mr. Trump, he believes that it is beneficial for the MAGA movement, but he also predicts that the Communists will pose significant obstacles for him to secure a spot on the ballot. Mr. Trump even suggests that both Joe Biden and his running mate could face indictments in the near future, possibly related to environmental fraud. However, he clarifies that Joe Biden is his political opponent, not his own, and he actually supports the fact that Joe Biden is running for office.


However, amidst all the bravado, it is quite possible that Mr. Trump is genuinely concerned about the potential scenario where RFK Jr could siphon votes from his own campaign instead.

Democratic activists are concerned that a larger pool of candidates in the race could potentially harm the current president more than the former president. However, current polling indicates that RFK Jr has the potential to attract a similar number of supporters from both Mr. Biden and Mr. Trump in the upcoming November election.

According to the most recent RealClear Polling average, Mr. Trump is projected to win a three-way race with a 5.4 percent lead. He is expected to receive 40.7 percent of the vote, while Mr. Biden is predicted to receive 35.3 percent and Mr. Kennedy to receive 12.3 percent.

During a Democratic National Committee call with reporters on Tuesday, Democrats took aim at RFK Jr. California congressman Robert Garcia labeled him a “tinfoil hat conspiracy theorist,” accusing him of being “anti-science” and “anti-truth.” This response was prompted by RFK Jr.’s well-known tendency to engage in anti-vaccine grandstanding.

According to Mr. Garcia, RFK Jr. is running a “spoiler campaign” with the aim of getting Donald Trump elected.

During the same call, Pennsylvania Democratic Lieutenant Governor Austin Davis made a similar claim, stating that RFK Jr was brought into the race by Donald Trump’s top supporters. Davis further emphasized that RFK Jr has no realistic chance of winning in Pennsylvania. He expressed concern that RFK Jr’s candidacy could potentially take away votes from President Biden and make it more favorable for Donald Trump to secure a victory. Davis stressed that they cannot afford to let that happen.

RFK Jr. has previously alleged that Mr. Trump personally approached him to become his running mate. If this claim is true, it indicates that the presumptive Republican nominee viewed RFK Jr. as a potential threat to his own candidacy and attempted to neutralize the risk by aligning him with the MAGA movement.

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