Trump Campaign Planning To Deploy 100,000 Attorneys And Volunteers To Monitor Vote Counts

The campaign has recently revealed its plans to hold monthly training sessions on monitoring voting sites and tabulation centers. During these sessions, poll watchers will be trained to observe and report any irregularities that may occur. Additionally, the campaign has enlisted the help of lawyers who will be on standby to address any potential issues that may arise during the voting process.

The campaign and RNC have announced their intention to prioritize the preservation of integrity throughout various stages of the election process. Their focus areas include early voting, Election Day voting, mail ballot processing, post-election audits and recounts, and machine testing. To ensure smooth operations, each battleground state will establish a dedicated hotline for poll watchers to report any potential issues they may encounter.

“The Republican victory in November must be significant enough to prevent any possibility of rigging,” stated Charlie Spies, the RNC general counsel. “Our political team will be dedicated to securing a resounding victory for Republicans across all levels, and the RNC legal team is fully committed to ensuring that this victory cannot be manipulated.”

The Trump campaign and RNC have announced their intention to utilize early voting and ballot harvesting, where legally permitted, in order to match the Democrats’ use of these programs to secure votes prior to Election Day.

The Trump campaign made their announcement following the release of an updated website by the Justice Department. The website aims to provide election workers and voters with resources that will help protect their right to vote without any discrimination, intimidation, or criminal activity during the election process.


“The cornerstone of our democracy lies in the right to vote, as it serves as the foundation from which all other rights derive,” expressed Attorney General Merrick Garland in a heartfelt statement. He further emphasized that the Justice Department is steadfastly utilizing all possible means to protect this fundamental right. Their efforts are directed towards combating any attempts to undermine voting rights and to ensure the safety and security of those entrusted with administering our elections.”

The Trump campaign and the RNC have made significant investments in ensuring election integrity. Trump has consistently expressed concerns about the possibility of Democrats rigging the election against him, although there is no substantial evidence of widespread fraud in the 2020 elections.

The Trump campaign filed multiple lawsuits challenging the outcome of the 2020 election, but judges, including those appointed by Republican presidents, dismissed them. Trump currently faces criminal charges in Georgia and Washington, D.C., for his alleged involvement in undermining the election results.

Despite its prevalence among certain segments of the population, President Biden’s stance on the issue has gained traction in mainstream discourse. According to a survey conducted by The Washington Post and the University of Maryland in January, approximately one-third of adults questioned the legitimacy of President Biden’s election. Furthermore, the survey revealed that the number of Republicans who believed in the legitimacy of Biden’s election had dwindled to just 31 percent.

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