Trump Co-defendant Michael Roman Subpoenaed In Arizona 2020 Election Investigation: Sources

According to a source familiar with the matter, Michael Roman, a former Trump campaign aide who faced indictment alongside the former president in the Georgia election interference case, has been subpoenaed as part of a separate investigation in Arizona. This investigation is focused on the efforts to overturn the 2020 election results in the state.

Arizona Attorney General Kris Mayes is currently conducting an investigation into the “alternate elector” plot in the state. The investigation has recently taken a new turn with the issuance of a subpoena, which has not been previously reported. This subpoena is a significant development in the ongoing probe.

Mayes recently stated that they will be making an announcement about the investigation in the near future.

Attorney Kenneth Chesebro, who allegedly played a role in formulating the Trump campaign’s fraudulent elector scheme, recently participated in an interview with investigators in Arizona, according to sources familiar with the matter. Chesebro, who was indicted in the Georgia investigation, made a plea deal with prosecutors, admitting guilt to a single felony charge and agreeing to assist in the investigation.

According to a source, Chesebro was not legally compelled to attend the interview in Arizona but chose to participate willingly.


The investigation into Trump’s campaign has been labeled a “Witch-Hunt” by a spokesperson, who also made the unsubstantiated accusation that President Joe Biden is overseeing it.

According to a statement by Steven Cheung, President Trump is overpowering Joe Biden, and the Democrats are well aware of it. As a result, they are intensifying their ongoing Witch-Hunts, using their positions to interfere in the presidential election. However, Cheung believes that the American people are not easily deceived by these Biden-directed Hoaxes and will hold both Joe Biden and his comrades accountable in the upcoming fall.

ABC News reached out to both Roman’s attorney and the Arizona attorney general’s office for comment, but they declined to provide any response.

In a memo dated December 6, 2020, obtained by ABC News, Chesebro outlined a strategy for the gathering, voting, and submission of certificates by “alternate” electors. Prosecutors claim that this plan aimed to replicate the actions of legitimate Biden electors as closely as possible, with the intention of creating a counterfeit controversy during the counting of votes on January 6th. The goal was to disrupt the proper certification of Biden as the president-elect.

According to sources familiar with the Arizona probe, investigators have been questioning witnesses about the connections between local Republican officials and the 2020 Trump campaign in relation to the fake elector plan and the multiple lawsuits aimed at overturning the election in the state. These sources reveal that some witnesses have been directly asked about the participation of senior advisers from the Trump campaign.

Roman, along with Trump and 17 others, was indicted in Georgia in August for allegedly attempting to overturn the state’s election results. He pleaded not guilty to the seven counts he faces, which include charges related to coordinating and appointing alternate slates of electors.

According to the indictment, Roman was actively involved in the effort in several states.

“I need someone to track the electors,” Roman reportedly stated in an email from December 2020, as mentioned in the indictment. In the email, he supposedly directed individuals affiliated with the Trump campaign to regularly update a spreadsheet that listed the nominees for presidential electors in key states like Georgia, Arizona, and Michigan.”

Prosecutors in several other states have also pressed charges related to the alleged scheme of submitting alternative slates of electors. In June, Michigan prosecutors filed felony charges against 16 Republicans for their alleged attempts to substitute Michigan’s electoral votes for Joe Biden with votes for then-President Donald Trump. Nine of them have since pleaded not guilty.

In December, the Nevada attorney general indicted six individuals known as alternate electors on charges of falsely representing themselves as Nevada’s duly-elected presidential electors. Politico recently reported that the office has issued several grand jury subpoenas.

In November, Mayes expressed to CNN that the investigation in Arizona was thorough and comprehensive.

“We will ensure that we take the necessary steps to deliver justice, not just for the people of Arizona, but for the entire nation,” she emphasized.

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