Universities Like Columbia Must Address The Double Standard And Stop Tolerating Campus Antisemitism

Columbia University’s president and other academic leaders have stated that the cry “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free” is acceptable political expression.

On an abstract level, they are correct.

White nationalists can legally demand the return of all Blacks to Africa and the relocation of all Muslims to Saudi Arabia.

The First Amendment also protects homophobic, sexist, and transphobic expression.

But would any school allow such prejudiced chants?


Imagine if a group of white supremacist students demanded the return of South Africa to white apartheid rule: “From the Atlantic to the Indian Ocean, South Africa should be free of blacks and returned to white control!”

Would any school allow such a chant?

Will it take action against these racists?

Of course it does.

The racist diversity, equality, and inclusion bureaucracy, along with its prejudiced sibling “intersectionality,” would demand it, and the school would oblige.

So the issue isn’t about abstract free speech.

The question is whether the institution holds the same standards for Jews, blacks, gays, and other minorities.

And the answer for these universities is clear: no.

What is permitted to be said about Jews and Israel is not permissible against blacks or gays. That’s the reality.

Universities, whether public or private, should adhere to a consistent norm of free speech, harassment, and tolerance for opposing viewpoints.

The Supreme Court has concluded that there is no such thing as a false idea under the First Amendment.

There is no such thing as a true or good concept that takes precedence over false or terrible ideas.

There must be what we’ll refer to as “a circle of symmetry.”

And what is outside and inside the circle must adhere to impartial standards.

Columbia and other institutions must determine whether to prohibit or allow all racist, sexist, homophobic, anti-Semitic, and other harmful statements.

They cannot penalize anti-black racism while allowing anti-Jewish racism, even if the First Amendment protects both.

Columbia and other institutions must make a choice: follow the First Amendment and tolerate all types of discrimination, or create symmetrical neutral policies that protect all groups equally.

What is untenable is what most institutions are doing today: protecting select minorities favored by DEI while prioritizing intersectionality over Jews and other minorities disfavored by DEI.

This double standard, which has become the recognized standard at Columbia, Harvard, and other universities, cannot continue.

DEI and intersectionality expressly classify Jews as second-class citizens.

These concepts have inspired some of the most violent anti-Jewish and anti-Israel demonstrations, petitions, and harassment.

As long as these biased bureaucracies have sway in colleges, firms, and other institutions, Jews will continue to face discrimination in speech, admissions, hiring, and other decisions.

If we are to restore true equality and meritocracy in all institutions, we must disassemble, uproot, and delegitimize these bureaucracies.

However, many universities are strengthening their support for these destructive views.

Most school presidents, academics, and administrators are scared of confronting these powerful bureaucracies.

But they must if the future of America’s great colleges is to be secured.

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