Virginia assault weapons ban vetoed by Youngkin, two gun control measures signed

Virginia Governor Glenn Youngkin (R) used his veto power to reject an assault weapons ban that had been approved by the state Legislature last month. This decision was part of a larger veto session where Governor Youngkin reviewed and vetoed a total of 30 bills, including various gun control measures.

“I made a solemn promise to uphold the Constitution of the United States of America and the Constitution of Virginia, and this vow definitely encompasses safeguarding the rights of law-abiding Virginians to possess and carry firearms,” stated Youngkin, explaining his decision to veto the bills.

The governor, however, did sign two additional gun regulations into law. One of these laws prohibits the use of trigger switches that can enable firearms to fire automatically. The second law allows for criminal charges to be filed against parents who allow children deemed threats to have access to weapons.

“I am delighted to have the opportunity to endorse these public safety bills. They are practical reforms that have garnered substantial bipartisan support from the General Assembly,” he enthusiastically stated.

Tuesday presented a unique challenge for Youngkin regarding gun control. Up until last year, the state Legislature had not made any significant progress on gun control measures due to the divided political landscape. However, when Democrats gained control of both chambers, the situation changed.


The ban on trigger switches prohibits the use of a device called an “auto sear,” which is a simple modification that can turn semi-automatic firearms into fully automatic ones. These devices have faced significant scrutiny from gun control activists in recent months.

The city of Chicago recently filed a lawsuit against Glock, the handgun manufacturer, alleging that the company is criminally negligent for allowing its firearms to be easily modified.

According to the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, there has been a significant rise in the number of illegally modified machine guns and auto sears recovered. From 2020 to 2021, there was a staggering 400 percent increase in the recoveries of illegally modified machine guns. Similarly, there was a significant 570 percent increase in the recoveries of auto sears from 2017 to 2021, as compared to the previous five-year period.

Gun control activist groups applauded Youngkin for endorsing the two gun control bills, but urged him to take further action.

Students Demand Action volunteer Grace Varughese expressed her satisfaction with the signing of two gun safety bills by Governor Youngkin, stating that it is a positive step forward. She emphasized that this action demonstrates that the ongoing gun violence crisis in America does not have to be accepted as inevitable. However, Varughese also acknowledged the disappointment in the governor’s decision to veto several other bills that had the potential to save lives.

“We’re not done yet,” she exclaimed. “Virginia’s youth is determined to create a safer state where the next generation can grow up without the constant fear of gun violence.”

“It’s remarkable to see how the political landscape has evolved when it comes to gun safety, as evidenced by the recent actions of Virginia’s Republican governor. Despite being the historical base of the National Rifle Association (NRA), he has taken a significant step by signing legislation aimed at curbing gun violence,” remarked John Feinblatt, President of Everytown for Gun Safety.

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