Wisconsin 2020 Fake Elector Reveals He Was’scared To Death’ That Trump Would Lose The State

Aiexpress – During the 2020 election, Andrew Hitt, the former chairman of the Wisconsin Republican Party, openly confessed to acting as a “fake elector” for Donald Trump.

During his appearance on 60 Minutes with Anderson Cooper, Mr. Hitt admitted that Republicans in Wisconsin, unlike in other states, have not been charged for casting fake votes during the election. However, they were allegedly involved in a scheme to misrepresent the popular vote and manipulate the election results.

According to Mr. Hitt, he implemented the plan due to his fear of both President Trump’s supporters and his Republican colleagues in Wisconsin. Ultimately, President Joe Biden emerged as the winner in the state, defeating Mr. Trump by approximately 20,000 votes.

“It was a precarious period,” he reflected during the interview.

During campaign rallies, Mr. Trump would frequently single out Mr. Hitt, putting pressure on him to secure a victory in the state. On one occasion, while on stage, he directly addressed him, saying, “Andrew, I’ll hold you responsible if we don’t come out on top,” seemingly alluding to the possibility of Mr. Trump losing the state.


Following the election, Mr. Trump’s team submitted a request to invalidate 200,000 votes.

The included ballots consist of various categories. Firstly, there are ballots from voters who declared themselves indefinitely confined. Then, there are ballots that were delivered at an event organized by the Madison city clerk in October. Additionally, there are ballots casted in-person at early-voting sites. Lastly, there are absentee ballots submitted without a complete mailing address from the voter’s witness.

The campaign contended that the municipal clerks in Milwaukee and Dane Counties should not have been allowed to complete address forms for witnesses to absentee ballot submissions, despite the permission granted by the Wisconsin Elections Commission. It is important to note that state law mandates the presence of a witness for absentee ballots.

According to Mr. Hitt, he disagreed with the decision to discard the absentee ballots, as he himself had voted in the same manner.

The Wisconsin Supreme Court, in a 4 to 3 ruling, dismissed Mr. Trump’s legal challenge on the same day he signed a document falsely asserting his victory in the election.

Despite his initial reservations, he proceeded with the plan at the Wisconsin Capitol on December 14, 2020. His reasoning was that the documents would only come into play if Mr. Trump’s legal case miraculously prevailed.

In an interview with the TV show, he expressed regret, saying, “If I had the knowledge I have now, I wouldn’t have done it.” Prior to this, he had received a phone call from a representative of the Republican National Committee, who requested a list of Republican electors.

He mentioned feeling unsettled about the conversation.

“I was already worried that they would attempt to argue that the Democratic electors in Wisconsin were illegitimate due to fraud.”

According to Mr. Hitt, despite his personal involvement in the election process, he signed the document alleging widespread fraud, even though he did not believe it was happening.

He expressed his concern about the potential consequences for him and his family if he, Andrew Hitt, were to be the one responsible for preventing Donald Trump from winning Wisconsin.

A federal grand jury has indicted Mr. Trump on allegations that he sought to overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election, including his attempt in Wisconsin.

Several electors in Arizona, Georgia, Nevada, New Mexico, Pennsylvania, and Michigan are now facing charges for their involvement in attempting to overthrow the election. These charges could have serious consequences for them, including potential prison sentences. Notably, Mr. Trump himself is also currently facing a staggering 91 felony counts across two state courts and two federal districts. It remains to be seen how these legal challenges will unfold and what their ultimate outcomes will be.

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