25 Attorneys General Call on President Biden to Address Texas Border Crisis

Last week, a group of 25 Attorney Generals penned a letter to President Joe Biden and Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas regarding the ongoing migrant crisis. The three-page letter emphasizes the challenges that have arisen since Biden assumed office.

Here is a summary of the letter:

    • over six million illegal immigrants crossed the border
    • migrants added to the population of cities in Iowa and Utah
    • they disagreed with the recent Supreme Court ruling that Texas action on the border was illegal
    • pointed out Border Patrol cut the razor wire in Eagle Pass to allow illegal immigrants to cross the border illegally
    • Texas is building a border barrier

The Attorney Generals from Iowa, Utah, Alabama, Alaska, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, New Hampshire, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Ohio, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Virginia, West Virginia, and Wyoming, along with the leadership of the Arizona State Legislature, have collectively signed the letter.

Louisiana Attorney General Liz Murrill stated, as reported by KNOE 8 News.

โ€œLouisiana stands with Texas.โ€

โ€œToday, I joined 25 other state attorney generals in support of Texasโ€™ efforts to secure the border. Our message to President Joe Biden and Secretary Mayorkas is simple; if you cannot bring yourselves to enforce the law, get out of the way so Texas can.โ€

During a Fox News interview on Monday, Iowa Attorney General Brenna Bird, who organized the letter, stated, “According to The Daily Mail…”


โ€œThe federal government must secure the border, and if they’re not going to do it they shouldn’t be trying to keep Texas from doing the job they just won’t do.โ€

โ€œIf the administration would put half as much energy into securing the border as they have fighting with Texas over Texas doing the job they won’t do, I think this problem might be a lot better off right now.โ€

According to the Kentucky Lantern, Kentucky Attorney General Russell Coleman mentioned that…

โ€œPresident Bidenโ€™s failed open border policy gives drug cartels and criminals a free pass to pour their deadly poison into our country. As a result, Kentucky has become a border state, and our children are at risk. The crisis at the southern border demands a strong response, and I am proud to stand with Governor Abbott in defending the people of Texas.โ€

You can read the full letter here.

Governor Greg Abbott expressed his thoughts following the Supreme Court ruling:

Texas blocks federal access to park along border

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