Growing Democratic Party divisions on the issue of Israel reach a boiling point at Chicago convention

The Democratic Party is currently embroiled in a heated internal debate over their stance on Israel, which is expected to reach its peak during the summer convention. There is a notable split within the party on how to approach the ongoing conflict, and this division is causing significant tensions.

A group within the party, who are critical of U.S. support for Israel during its conflict with Hamas, have united behind a movement that aims to challenge President Biden in the Democratic primaries. Their goal is to cast a “uncommitted” vote as a form of protest against him. The movement has gained some traction and managed to secure a number of delegates who will attend the convention in Chicago this August.

Democrats are increasingly worried that the divisions within the party will only worsen as they approach the process of approving the official platform for the upcoming quadrennial.

Heather Gautney, a member of the 2020 Democratic platform drafting committee, believes that there will be significant protests on the issue at the convention. She expresses her skepticism that Joe Biden can make substantial changes before the convention to address this concern.

Every four years, each political party goes through an extensive process to draft its platform, outlining its policies on various key issues. In 2020, then-candidate Biden and Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) took a unique approach by forming a series of task forces. This initiative aimed to bridge the divide between the two factions of the Democratic Party after a significant primary battle between the two.


The Democratic National Committee (DNC) formed a drafting committee consisting of both Biden and Sanders supporters to develop the exact language of the platform, based on the policy positions developed by task forces. While the committee was mainly composed of Biden supporters, there was also a significant representation of Sanders supporters.

The committee conducted several public hearings where individuals provided testimonies on its proposals. Eventually, the platform was submitted to the DNC for final approval at the convention.

Former members of the drafting committee from previous years have stated that the extensive process witnessed in 2024 may not occur this time around. This is primarily due to the fact that President Biden is not facing any significant opposition to his nomination.

According to Gautney, a sociology professor at Fordham University, the Biden campaign might try to handle the internal disagreement within the party regarding the situation in Gaza without any public spectacle. Instead, they may opt for a more subtle discussion on the matter, ensuring that Biden’s political standing remains intact.

“I’m not quite certain about this year’s election dynamics, as there doesn’t seem to be a strong presence from the Bernie Sanders camp,” she expressed. “Since he’s running unopposed, there isn’t that same level of pressure or influence exerted by his supporters.”

However, she pointed out that Biden has faced and will likely continue to face challenges due to the division within his party regarding the conflict in Gaza.

Biden has been treading a delicate line for months as the death toll continues to mount in Gaza due to Israel’s offensive in retaliation for the Oct. 7 attack by Hamas, which claimed the lives of 1,200 individuals. The mounting criticism within his own party has become a political challenge for him, prompting him to deliver his most scathing assessment of the Israeli government’s management of the conflict during a phone conversation with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Thursday.

Many Democratic lawmakers in Congress have expressed the need to attach certain conditions to future aid to Israel. These conditions would focus on ensuring the protection of civilians and facilitating the delivery of humanitarian assistance. However, the Democratic Party’s internal divisions on this issue make it challenging to formulate a unified policy that can be embraced by Democrats across the board.

The 2020 Democratic platform expressed the party’s dedication to ensuring Israel’s security and its right to self-defense. Additionally, it advocated for a two-state solution to address the conflict and acknowledged the value of both Israeli and Palestinian individuals. The platform emphasized the party’s opposition to any unilateral actions taken by either side that could hinder the prospects of achieving two states.

According to Gautney, the 2024 platform could bear resemblance to the 2020 one as Biden has largely maintained that language. However, the emphasis might shift towards highlighting the state of division rather than solely focusing on the platform itself.

According to the speaker, the platform’s language may not be the primary focus. However, she expects people to voice their dissent at the convention.

Jim Zogby, an experienced individual who has been actively involved in drafting numerous platforms in previous election years, expresses uncertainty regarding the specific details of the platform point concerning Israel. However, he anticipates that it will follow the usual pattern of being thoroughly developed, particularly when it comes to matters concerning the Middle East.

James Zogby, president of the Arab American Institute, a civil rights advocacy group that provides advice on policies affecting the Arab American community, expressed his concern that the current administration has not engaged in discussions with the community regarding policy positions. While meetings with Secretary of State Antony Blinken have taken place, there have been no meetings held at the White House.

During those meetings, attendees expressed their frustration with the lack of focus on important topics such as policy, cease-fire, and aid to Israel. They felt that these issues were not adequately discussed and left the meetings feeling dissatisfied.

According to him, all of these factors combined could result in the platform being seen as “another slap in the face” for those who are already frustrated with the administration. This could potentially lead to protests at the convention.

According to Zogby, it is highly likely that protests will occur, and he believes that it will be challenging to prevent them. He compares the potential situation to the anti-Vietnam War protests during the 1968 Democratic convention, stating that there is a possibility of a similar scenario unfolding in Chicago. Zogby emphasizes that such a situation would not be pleasant.

According to Jon Reinish, a Democratic strategist, the intensity of the protests will vary depending on the current status of the war. However, in light of the recent deaths of the World Central Kitchen workers, Biden has noticeably shifted his tone in the past few days.

In expressing his views, he emphasized the need for a change in the current strategy, stating that it has been ongoing for an extended period without yielding any significant results. According to him, President Biden’s stance on the matter is absolutely correct, and he commends the party for acknowledging the reality of the situation. He believes it is crucial for the party to not only push their ally but also demonstrate to their own voters that they are aware of the deteriorating situation on the ground.

According to him, he anticipates that Biden will allow the protests to continue, as he has not opposed party members expressing their opinions. He believes that protests occurring during the convention may not be detrimental, but he sees Biden’s reaction to the workers’ deaths as a significant moment that will initiate a new stage in the conflict.

“I believe that if meaningful facts on the ground are properly observed and effectively communicated, they can have a significant impact,” Reinish commented. “However, it is important to note that these facts alone may not immediately persuade every protester to stop voicing their concerns. Nevertheless, witnessing positive changes in the situation can gradually shift the narrative and potentially reduce the intensity of the protests.”

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