Work Permits Increase, But Undocumented Immigrants Remain Hungry For Access

Long-term immigrants without permanent legal status are making progress in their push for legal work permits. This is due to a robust labor market and improved employment opportunities for recently arrived asylum seekers.

The Biden administration made a significant move on Thursday by expanding work permits for a wide range of immigrants, which includes asylum seekers and green card applicants.

The administration has been resistant to taking action on legal work for the nearly 11 million immigrants who don’t fall into those categories. However, officials acknowledge that they have received the message and comprehend the significance of the issue.

During a press conference on Friday, Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas stated that he is unable to make any announcements at this time. He acknowledged the concerns raised by individuals within the United States regarding the presence of undocumented individuals who have been living and working without authorization for an extended period of time. Mayorkas also highlighted the disparity in the treatment of individuals who cross the border and seek asylum, pointing out that they can obtain authorization within 180 days of filing their asylum claim.

“I don’t believe we are disregarding this issue. On his inaugural day, the president made an effort to address the situation of undocumented individuals in our country through legislative means. We had hoped to take legislative action, but unfortunately, Congress has not taken any steps forward.”


Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson (D) threw his support behind the movement to grant permits to individuals facing such predicaments, emphasizing the importance of economic stability and keeping families together.

“I am honored to be here alongside the business community and labor partners, advocating for the issuance of work permits. This way, families can remain united, and we can foster the continued growth of our local economy.”

Foreign nationals who have sought asylum in the United States, whether at a port of entry or on U.S. soil, are known as asylum applicants. It is important to note that their asylum claims are still under review by immigration authorities and have not yet been approved or denied.

In the past ten years, there has been an increasing trend among migrants to voluntarily surrender to the Border Patrol and seek asylum. This has led to a clear distinction between long-term immigrants without permanent legal status and those who have recently arrived.

Advocates are urging the Biden administration to take a more assertive approach in utilizing tools like parole in place or cancellation of removal. These existing authorities offer the executive the opportunity to grant a fresh start to immigrants who currently have no means of obtaining legal status.

Certain immigrants without permanent legal status may be eligible for these programs, primarily those who have immediate relatives who are U.S. citizens.

The Biden administration has utilized certain executive authorities, focusing on those less susceptible to legal challenges, while also keeping the possibility of additional actions open.

According to White House spokesperson Angelo Fernández Hernández, President Biden wasted no time in taking action on immigration reform. On his first day in office, he introduced a comprehensive proposal aimed at addressing the issues within our broken immigration system. This stands in stark contrast to the previous administration, which not only demonized immigrants but also sought to strip away protections from millions of individuals who have called the United States home for years. In contrast, the Biden Administration has made it a priority to reinstate and, in some cases, expand protections and support for immigrants.

The administration has also taken steps to address the issue of immigration threats being used in work relationships by implementing deferred action for workers involved in labor disputes.

Mayorkas stated that they have been collaborating with mayors, including Mayor Johnson, to ensure that they have a clear understanding of the individuals residing in their shelters and other facilities, as well as their eligibility for work authorization.

“I may have served as the director of USCIS, but that doesn’t mean I’m an expert in every legal aspect of our complex immigration system. However, I want to emphasize that the immigration system is fundamentally broken,” expressed Mayorkas. He has been vocal about such concerns in numerous public statements.

According to Hincapié, the Biden administration has a chance to take proactive measures and hold Texas accountable if they face legal challenges. She suggests that if Texas sues and the court blocks the administration’s actions, they should make it clear that Texas is the one responsible for hindering progress once again.

“They must demonstrate their commitment to immigrant communities and voters by taking action and providing tangible solutions. It’s not enough to simply talk about it; they need to show that they are willing to go above and beyond to address their concerns and provide much-needed relief.”

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