A Texas mother was dressed her son for burial when she learned her 6-year-old daughter was dead

Texas(AiExpress ) — A Texas mother, Brittney Ross, expressed feeling “overwhelmed” as she faced the tragic loss of her two children to gun violence within days. According to CBS News, The heartbreaking events unfolded when Ross’ 14-year-old son, Ah’Bralen Rider, was fatally shot just before the new year, marking the onset of their family’s sorrow.

The situation took a devastating turn on January 10 when Ross discovered that her 6-year-old daughter, Ah’Laynah Modica-Ross, had also succumbed to gun violence in a chillingly similar incident. The news reached Ross as she was preparing her 14-year-old son for his burial, compounding the family’s grief.

A Texas mother was dressed her son for burial when she learned her 6-year-old daughter was dead

In the aftermath of Ah’Laynah’s tragic death, authorities revealed that a friend of the deceased minor’s older brother had brought loaded guns to the family’s Dallas home. The police further disclosed that Ah’Laynah had come across one of these weapons, shedding light on the heartbreaking circumstances surrounding the loss of both children.

“It’s a nightmare… we’re living a nightmare right now,” the deceased minor’s grandfather, Michael Key, said. “And it’s hurting me real bad.”


Expressing his distress, Key mentioned that he was unaware of the presence of a gun in their home, and this lack of knowledge deeply upset him. He emphasized, “That’s what I’m so upset about right now.” Key further expressed his frustration, stating that if there was a firearm in the house, it should have been securely stored away, preventing any access. He conveyed his profound disappointment, saying, “Very upset about that, and I’m just hurt.”

Meanwhile, Ross, already grappling with the preparation for her 14-year-old son’s funeral, received the devastating news about her daughter’s tragic death. In a heartbreaking turn of events, the funeral had to be postponed to accommodate a double service. Overwhelmed by the profound loss, Ross could only express, “I… just… I don’t know.”

The individual responsible for bringing the gun into the home has been identified as 19-year-old Damariya Sowels, who has since been arrested and charged in connection with the tragic death of the 6-year-old.

Ah’Bralen Rider, Ross’ 14-year-old son, met a tragic end when he was shot and killed at a friend’s apartment. Authorities took swift action, arresting and charging a teenager in connection with his killing. In a previous interview with CBS News, the grieving mother described Ah’Bralen as a “quiet” individual who always had a smile. She emphasized that he was not a troubled kid.

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Despite Sowels facing a charge of tampering with evidence in connection with her daughter’s death, Ross staunchly defended the teenager, whom she has known for a decade. According to Ross, Sowels had the guns for protection as both the teen and her surviving son were facing threats in the aftermath of Ah’Bralen’s tragic death.

Authorities are currently conducting an investigation into Ah’Laynah’s death. However, her family and neighbors assert that the 6-year-old tragically lost her life after accidentally shooting g herself, as reported by The Dallas Express.

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