Biden’s Return To South Carolina To Show His Commitment To Winning Back Black Voters In 2024

Aiexpress – Joe Biden can rest easy when it comes to his prospects in South Carolina’s Democratic primary next week. He has secured a strong position in the state.

He is also aware that winning the solidly red state in the upcoming November election is highly unlikely. The state has not supported a Democrat since 1976.

This weekend, he will be in the state, reaffirming his loyalty to the place that played a crucial role in saving his campaign in 2020. Furthermore, he is committed to winning back the support of Black voters, not only in this state but also across the country, as they were instrumental in his previous election victory but seem to be less enthusiastic this time around.

Biden is set to deliver the keynote speech on Saturday night at the state party’s fundraising dinner, leading up to the highly anticipated “first-in-the-nation” Democratic primary on February 3rd.
Following the dinner, he will also attend a political event at St. John Baptist Church on Sunday, highlighting the strong connection between politics and faith in the state.

According to Deputy campaign manager Quentin Fulks, the primary goal for Biden’s team was to “exceed expectations” by securing a convincing victory against unlikely opponents. Additionally, the Biden campaign aims to gain valuable insights on engaging and mobilizing Black voters, who are a crucial support base for the Democratic Party. These efforts are being made in preparation for an anticipated 2024 rematch with the leading Republican contender, Donald Trump.


Black voters in the state that supported the president in 2020 have expressed mixed opinions about him. There is a sense of dissatisfaction regarding his inability to fulfill his promises on voting rights legislation and other concerns.

At the start of his reelection campaign last year, Joe Biden encountered diverging opinions among South Carolina Democratic voters. These voters, who had played a pivotal role in securing his nomination, presented an early indication of the hurdles he would have to overcome in his efforts to reestablish his diverse winning coalition from the previous election.

According to a December poll conducted by the Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs, only 50% of Black adults expressed their approval of Biden. This marks a significant decline from the 86% approval rate recorded in July 2021. The noticeable shift in approval ratings has raised concerns about the president’s chances of being reelected.

According to APVoteCast, a comprehensive nationwide survey of the electorate, there was a slight increase in support for Republican candidates among Black voters during the 2022 midterm elections, despite the fact that the majority of Black voters still overwhelmingly supported Democrats.

The Biden campaign is currently airing television advertisements in South Carolina to showcase Biden’s initiatives aimed at increasing enthusiasm among Black voters.

President Biden wasted no time in getting to work on his very first day in office, despite facing a nation in crisis. The ad highlights the positive impact of his actions, emphasizing his efforts to reduce Black child poverty by 50% and provide increased financial support for Black entrepreneurs. Additionally, the President has been instrumental in creating millions of new well-paying jobs and making prescription drugs more affordable for all.

The campaign has allocated over $270,000 towards running these advertisements throughout the primary, as per tracking data. In addition, the Democratic National Committee has launched a substantial ad campaign in South Carolina and Nevada, the next states on the Democratic primary calendar, aimed at increasing support for Biden among Black and Latino voters. Furthermore, first lady Jill Biden made an appearance in the state on Friday evening to rally voters.

Biden’s campaign has taken proactive steps to bolster its presence in South Carolina, not only for the primary but also for the general election. This move is significant considering that for almost half a century, the state has consistently favored Republican candidates for the presidency.

Democratic Representative Jim Clyburn of South Carolina highlights significant accomplishments attributed to Joe Biden in a recent advertisement by Unite the Country, a pro-Biden super PAC. The ad emphasizes Biden’s successes in areas such as reducing student loan debt and lowering insulin costs for older individuals.

Clyburn played a crucial role in securing Biden’s resounding victory in the 2020 South Carolina presidential primary through his endorsement.

In the latest advertisement, Clyburn pays tribute to his late wife, Emily, who played a significant role in his decision to endorse Biden in 2020. According to Clyburn, Emily firmly believed that nominating Joe Biden was crucial for winning the presidency. “She was right then, and she’s still right today,” Clyburn reflects in the ad.

Biden’s team is expressing concern that a lack of enthusiasm for him will lead to lower voter turnout among key Democratic coalition members, despite Trump’s marginal improvement in support among Black and Latino voters.

The Biden campaign is utilizing South Carolina as a testing ground to determine which messages and platforms resonate with voters.

South Carolina has become the inaugural significant contest in the Democratic presidential race following a restructuring of the party’s nominating calendar, as urged by Biden. This change was made due to the criticism that arose from starting the race with Iowa and New Hampshire, both of which are less diverse compared to the rest of the country. Notably, South Carolina holds importance as it is home to a majority of Black voters within the Democratic electorate.

The decision to move up the South Carolina vote also served as a political reward to the state and Clyburn for their instrumental role in helping Biden secure the presidency.

James Clyburn, a co-chairman of Biden’s reelection campaign, has consistently supported the president both in Congress and in his home state. He often emphasizes the same message he conveyed during his endorsement in 2020: “We are familiar with Joe, and Joe is familiar with us.”

Tyler noted that the diaspora has a strong presence, and emphasized the strength of familial ties with other crucial swing states in the region, such as Georgia and North Carolina.

Biden criticized Trump for “glorifying” political violence, aiming to highlight a clear distinction between their approaches.

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