Community members invited to attend funeral services for ‘KJ’ Frierson, who was fatally shot by another boy

aiexpress – The Liberty Towers Church has announced that the funeral services for the 10-year-old boy, who tragically lost his life in a fatal shooting incident involving another child in Sacramento County, will be held on Saturday. The church has extended an invitation to community members to attend the solemn occasion.

Brittani Frierson, the mother of Keith ‘KJ’ Frierson, expressed her heartfelt plea for people to care. She emphasized that her son was in the right place, doing the right thing, and simply enjoying the outdoors, where children are expected to be.

The public will have the opportunity to view Keith starting at 11 a.m., and the funeral services will begin at 1 p.m.

The church has announced that the funeral services for Keith will incorporate a series of activities known as “Phases of Grief.” These activities are designed to assist children in comprehending and dealing with grief.

The District Attorney has stated that the father of the boy is facing charges related to the shooting, including possession of a stolen weapon. According to the District Attorney, the father has “sole criminal liability and responsibility” for the tragic incident.


Keith went to Strauch Elementary, and his family is urging community members to wear Mustangs jerseys if they desire. However, they kindly request that Keith’s name not be displayed on clothing to maintain a semi-formal atmosphere during the services.

Liberty Towers Church is situated at 5132 Elkhorn Blvd., Sacramento CA 95842.


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