Donald Trump’s Lawyers Clashed With Prosecutors About Proposals To Dismiss Charges He Kept Classified Records.

Prosecutors and Donald Trump’s lawyers engaged in another heated debate on Thursday in federal court in Florida regarding the dismissal of charges against the former president for mishandling classified documents following his departure from the White House.

During the hearing, Trump asserted his immunity from prosecution, arguing that certain provisions of the Espionage Act are too ambiguous to be enforced. He also claimed that he had converted the classified documents into personal records prior to leaving the White House in order to retain them.

“The filing by lawyers Todd Blanche and Christopher Kise argues that the Special Counsel’s Office’s attempt to link President Trump to the allegations is insufficient.”

Thursday evening witnessed U.S. District Judge Eileen Cannon, a Trump appointee, dismissing Trump’s motions that criticized the “vagueness” of the Espionage Act. However, she did leave room for the 2024 Republican frontrunner to raise the issue again in the future. The judge has yet to make a decision regarding Trump’s claims over the Presidential Records Act.

According to the Justice Department special counsel Jack Smith’s team, they argue that President Trump lacks knowledge on the subject matter.


According to prosecutors, Trump’s claims are based on three fundamental errors. These errors stem from his belief that, as a former President, he is exempt from the laws and principles of accountability that apply to every other citizen.

Cannon is also required to establish a fresh trial date. Due to the ongoing disputes in the case, the judge is expected to reschedule the tentative trial date of May 20. The prosecution has proposed July 8, but it is likely to be postponed to a later date. Trump’s lawyers have suggested an August 12 start, but they have also urged the judge to delay the trial until after the November election.

Judge dismisses Donald Trump’s argument for throwing out Florida documents charges

What charges does Trump face in the classified documents case?

Trump is currently facing 40 charges for hoarding national defense documents at his Florida estate, Mar-a-Lago. He is also accused of conspiring with two of his employees, personal valet Walt Nauta and property manager Carlos De Oliveira, to conceal these documents from federal authorities. It is important to note that all three defendants have pleaded not guilty to these charges.

Over 300 classified documents were discovered over a year after Trump’s departure from the White House. Most of these documents were obtained through subpoenas in June 2022 or during an FBI search in August 2022.

According to the indictment, the boxes stored by Trump contained classified documents that encompassed a range of crucial information. These documents included details on defense and weapons capabilities of both the United States and foreign countries, United States nuclear programs, potential vulnerabilities of the United States and its allies to military attack, and plans for possible retaliation in the event of a foreign attack. The unauthorized disclosure of these classified documents poses a significant risk to the national security of the United States, foreign relations, the safety of the United States military, as well as human sources and the effectiveness of sensitive intelligence collection methods.

Donald Trump faces a total of 32 charges, including willful retention of national defense information, conspiracy to obstruct justice, withholding a document, corruptly concealing a document, and making false statements.

Trump says he is immune and that he designated classified records as ‘personal’

Trump presented a series of arguments to Cannon in order to dismiss the charges. Firstly, Trump asserts that he is immune from prosecution due to the fact that the decisions regarding the movement of the documents occurred during his presidency.

The Supreme Court is scheduled to listen to arguments regarding immunity on April 25 in Trump’s remaining federal case, which involves allegations of attempting to tamper with the 2020 election. Both a federal judge and the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals have previously determined that Trump does not have protection from federal charges.

According to Trump, he marked the numerous records with classified markings as personal records to ensure he could retain them even after his departure from the White House. Additionally, he asserts that any disagreements regarding these records should be resolved as a civil matter rather than a criminal one, in accordance with the Presidential Records Act.

According to Trump, the section of the Espionage Act being used against him to charge him with storing classified records is excessively unclear and violates the constitution.

According to Trump’s lawyers, the Court has already acknowledged that Trump was previously the country’s chief classification authority. They argue that his retention of the documents cannot be considered unauthorized because he designated them as personal records.

Prosecutors say Trump’s ‘alchemy,’ turning classified documents into personal records, is ‘false’

The prosecutors strongly objected to every single demand made by Trump to have the case dismissed.

According to prosecutors, the prohibitions of the Espionage Act are straightforward, and it is expected that a former president would recognize the crucial significance of safeguarding national security and military secrets.

In a filing, prosecutors dismissed Trump’s argument of vagueness as meritless, asserting that the prohibitions outlined in the statute are clear.

According to prosecutors, the documents in question hold the status of being “indisputably presidential,” contrary to Trump’s assertion that they are personal. Prosecutors have refuted Trump’s claim that removing these records from the White House transforms them into personal records, stating that this argument is false.

Donald Trump’s lawyers and prosecutors are engaged in a heated dispute regarding the proposals to dismiss charges of hoarding classified records.

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