Enormous Endeavor: 11,000 Employees to Build High-Speed Rail Linking Las Vegas to California

The Department of Labor recently met with trade unions in Nevada and California to discuss the recruitment of 11,000 workers for the construction of the 218-mile high-speed Brightline rail project. This article will delve into the recruitment plans and the projected timeline for completing the project.

Recruitment of Thousands of Workers:

Trade unions in Nevada and California are gearing up to enlist a large number of workers for the construction of the Brightline rail. According to Vince Saavedra, the executive secretary-treasurer of the Southern Nevada Building Trades Unions, as many as 3,000 construction and trade workers will be recruited in Southern Nevada alone.

The team will be responsible for constructing the 50-mile segment of the railway, stretching from Las Vegas Boulevard to the California border. Saavedra stated that they will kick off the recruitment process by implementing apprenticeship programs and initiatives aimed at facilitating the transition of prisoners into the workforce.

Funding and Construction Timeline:

In December, the Biden administration gave its approval for $3 billion in funding to support the Brightline rail project. This significant funding has paved the way for the commencement of construction, starting from the future Las Vegas station site and extending all the way south to the border.

The California Building Trades spokesperson mentioned that they will commence work at various sites simultaneously. Their aim is to finish the project by summer 2028, just in time for the Olympics in Los Angeles.


The Project Becomes a Reality:

Commissioner Michael Naft highlighted the increased viability of the Brightline rail project. While there were initial doubts among Southern Nevada residents about its completion, Naft assured that substantial progress has been achieved. The project has successfully resolved the entitlement process, land use concerns, and rights of way, marking it as ready for construction. With unwavering confidence, Naft expressed his belief in the project’s triumph.


The Department of Labor is teaming up with trade unions in Nevada and California to enlist the help of 11,000 workers for the construction of the high-speed Brightline rail. With funding secured and preparations underway, the project is poised to commence in the near future. The aim is to finish building the rail by the summer of 2028. This endeavor offers substantial employment prospects and holds the promise of revolutionizing transportation in the area.

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