Mcconnell Urges Johnson To Complete The Task On Ukraine

Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky reiterated his call on Thursday for Speaker Mike Johnson of Louisiana to consider the Senate-approved national security spending package, which includes a $60 billion allocation for Ukraine. This comes in response to Johnson’s recent communication with GOP senators, indicating a shift in his approach.

McConnell showed little enthusiasm for waiting weeks or possibly months for the House to develop an alternative proposal to assist Ukraine.

“The stark truth is evident: By withholding vital weapons, we have not succeeded in curbing Putin’s aggression. Instead, we have only empowered him,” cautioned McConnell during his address on the Senate floor.

The alternative proposal appears to focus on establishing a loan or lend-lease program or confiscating approximately $300 billion in Russian assets to fund the arming of Ukrainian forces.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell emphasized the importance of providing Ukraine with the necessary resources to succeed on the battlefield. McConnell stated that by equipping Ukraine with the tools for victory, it would enable our friends to effectively end the conflict from a position of strength. He further argued that investing in our own military and defense industrial capacity is a logical step to take in tandem with supporting Ukraine.


“It’s about time the House takes up the national security supplemental that the Senate has already passed and completes the task,” he stated confidently.

In a recent development, McConnell responded to Johnson’s remarks made at the Senate GOP retreat. Johnson had announced his plans to introduce a Ukrainian assistance package in the Senate, but with significant modifications compared to the previously passed $95 billion emergency foreign aid bill.

Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, a Republican from Kentucky, attentively observes President Biden as he delivers his State of the Union address during a joint session of Congress at the U.S. Capitol in Washington, D.C. on Thursday, March 7, 2024.

Johnson suggested the possibility of establishing a loan or lend-lease program for Ukraine and using seized Russian assets to fund the arming of Ukrainian troops in combat. However, creating a completely new bill could potentially require several weeks or even months.

Senator Susan Collins (R-Maine), who serves as the vice chair of the Senate Appropriations Committee, expressed doubts regarding the establishment of a loan program for Ukraine as an alternative to providing direct military aid.

“I am open to considering any option that is proposed. I believe that a loan could potentially add more pressure on Ukraine, especially at a time when they are already facing challenges. However, if it is necessary to ensure that aid is delivered, I am willing to entertain the idea,” Collins expressed in response to Johnson’s comments during the meeting with GOP senators.

According to McConnell, making significant changes to the bill funding Ukraine, Israel, and the Indo-Pacific region could potentially cause a delay of several weeks.

“I urge the Speaker once again to permit a vote, a vote. Let the House express its opinion on the supplemental that we submitted to them a few weeks ago,” he expressed.

McConnell dismissed the notion of converting Ukraine aid into a loan program.

“The House needs to find a way to pass the Senate bill quickly in order to provide relief to both the Ukrainians and the Israelis. Changing anything and sending it back to the Senate can take up to a week, even for the simplest matters,” he emphasized.

In a passionate argument, he emphasized that there is no time to waste. With a bill that has received 70 votes in the Senate, he urged the House of Representatives to be given the chance to vote on it.

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