Michigan and Illinois Experience Unprecedented Exodus of Residents

In today’s gig economy and fast-paced job market, it is becoming increasingly common for people to relocate frequently. Whether it’s in search of work opportunities or to escape high living costs, individuals are more inclined to move around the country.

There are certainly other factors at play, but these could be some of the reasons why people are leaving Michigan and Illinois in large numbers.

United Van Lines recently released their annual movers study, which reveals the states that Americans are moving from and into.

According to a study that analyzes the company’s data on customer relocation, Vermont is the top destination for people moving, with 65% of moves in the state being inbound residents. The study reveals that nearly 30% of these moves are motivated by a desire to be closer to family, while 20% of people relocate to Vermont for a change in lifestyle.

New Jersey, for the sixth consecutive year, has held the unenviable position at the bottom of the list, with 65% of residents choosing to move out of the state. The primary reason cited for this exodus is retirement, which helps to explain why Florida consistently ranks among the top destinations for relocation in the country.


How Many People Moved From Michigan and Illinois?

Illinois closely followed New Jersey in terms of the highest number of people moving out. Approximately 61% of all moves in Illinois involved individuals leaving the state. Michigan wasn’t far behind, with 58% of the population moves being outbound.

Approximately 26% of individuals who left Illinois did so for employment purposes, making it the primary reason for relocation. Additionally, retirement accounted for slightly over 21% of the total number of people moving out of the state.

In Michigan, around 30% of people moved out of state for work opportunities, while 26% relocated to be closer to their family.

“We are continuing to see the trend that Americans are moving to more affordable, lower-density areas across the country, with many heading to southern states. Movers are also becoming more strategic with their planning, as relocation continues to be driven by factors such as the price of housing, regional climates, urban planning, and job growth.” 

Illinois has consistently ranked among the top 10 states where people are moving away from since 1978. Similarly, Michigan has also made appearances on this list multiple times over the years.

Over the years of this study, it appears that people have been moving from northern states to warmer southern states, with the exception of Vermont. This trend could be attributed, in large part, to people retiring.

What are your thoughts on the reasons provided in the data for people’s decision to move? Do you believe they capture the true essence of why people move, or do you think there might be other factors at play?

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