Nikki Haley Drops Out Of GOP Presidential Race, Says That Trump Must “Earn” Support

Former United Nations Ambassador Nikki Haley has decided to suspend her campaign for the 2024 presidential election. This decision paves the way for former President Donald Trump to secure the Republican nomination.

Nikki Haley, speaking at her campaign headquarters in Charleston, South Carolina, refrained from endorsing Donald Trump, the leading contender for the Republican nomination and the only major candidate left. While acknowledging the likelihood of Trump becoming the nominee, Haley stopped short of offering her support, instead wishing him well.

“It is now Donald Trump’s responsibility to win over the support of those within our party and beyond who did not back him,” Haley stated. “I genuinely hope that he succeeds in doing so.”

According to two sources familiar with the matter, Haley is enthusiastic about continuing to be involved in the GOP discourse. She takes pride in being the final contender to stand against Trump and is open to considering various options in the future. Her closest allies strongly believe that her presidential campaign solidifies her position as the representative of traditional Republican values, particularly in light of the upcoming departure of Senator Mitch McConnell, who will be stepping down as Senate minority leader and not seeking reelection.

Trump’s reaction

In a social media post, Trump criticized Haley for her defeat, stating that she was “TROUNCED.” He specifically highlighted her victory in Vermont’s open primary as evidence.


Super Tuesday disappointment

Just hours after his commanding victories across nearly all the states holding Republican nominating contests on Super Tuesday, Donald Trump received some more good news. According to CBS News projections, exit polls showed that Trump was leading among broad segments of the GOP electorate, with voters citing immigration and the economy as their most important issues.

Nikki Haley prevented Trump from winning all of the Super Tuesday contests when she emerged victorious in the Republican primary in Vermont. This marked only her second win of the primary season.

Trump is on track to secure the Republican nomination next week by reaching the required 1,215 delegates.

Haley faced yet another setback on Super Tuesday, further adding to a string of disappointments. Despite this, she remained determined to stay in the race until at least that point.

In February, Trump emerged victorious with nearly 60% of the vote in her home state, while she received just 39.5%.

Haley had an embarrassing defeat in Nevada during the symbolic primary. She was the only candidate still running who appeared on the ballot, but “None of these” received more votes than her, winning by a wide margin of 23 points. Shortly after, Trump entered the race and emerged victorious in the Nevada caucuses, which was the only contest in the state that assigned delegates. Haley’s campaign claimed that the Nevada Republican Party had manipulated the system in favor of Trump.

Taking on Trump directly

Haley has continuously criticized Trump’s stance on Russia and expressed concerns about his ability to confront Russian President Vladimir Putin. She particularly emphasized these concerns following the death of Russian opposition leader Alexey Navalny in February.

Haley dedicated months to campaigning in New Hampshire and also made a significant presence in Iowa during the final weeks leading up to the caucuses. Despite not emerging victorious in these states, Haley remained determined to pursue her bid and proceeded to campaign vigorously in South Carolina.

Haley faced earlier criticism during the campaign for not sufficiently distancing herself from Trump. However, she has now taken a stronger stance against him, attributing GOP losses in the Senate and House to his actions and accusing him of causing “political chaos.”

During a CBS News broadcast on “Face the Nation,” Haley expressed concerns about Trump’s age. When asked about Trump’s comments where he seemed to confuse Haley with Nancy Pelosi, Haley pointed out that having an 80-year-old in office could lead to a decline in mental stability.

When asked if she had doubts about Trump’s mental fitness, Haley acknowledged that there has been a noticeable decline in his performance compared to his state in 2016.

Haley frequently emphasized the importance of recognizing that “chaos accompanies Donald Trump” as she directed her attention towards her only rival in the Republican race. She urged voters to understand that the nation could not afford to be diverted, particularly in the face of imminent national threats.

Haley highlighted her electability in relation to Trump, emphasizing the results of polls that indicated she would convincingly defeat President Biden in a general election contest.

During her campaign, she frequently raised the possibility of a Trump-Biden rematch, questioning voters with the phrase, “Do you desire more of the identical?”

She urged voters to choose a “fresh, forward-thinking leader” who can effectively bring an end to the “turmoil and uncertainty” and focus on addressing the most urgent issues facing the country.

Before the two-man race

Haley, who previously held the position of U.N. ambassador in Trump’s Cabinet, highlighted her extensive foreign policy experience during her campaign. She firmly believed that the United States should steer clear of isolationist perspectives and instead provide unwavering support to its allies in order to ensure the safety and security of the nation.

During the initial contests, Haley released an advertisement that showcased the mother of Otto Warmbier, the American college student who was detained in North Korea and tragically passed away after being repatriated to the United States. In a January appearance on “Face the Nation,” Haley boldly voiced her concerns, accusing Trump of attempting to cultivate friendly relationships with dictators who pose a threat to our national security.

Earlier in the election, she was assailed by DeSantis, who referred to her as a “corporatist,” entrepreneur Vivek Ramasaway, who cited her daughter’s use of TikTok, prompting Haley to brand him “scum,” and former New Jersey governor Chris Christie.

As Christie ended his own presidential candidacy, he was caught on a hot microphone making a prediction that Haley was going to face a tough challenge in the primaries.

After his defeat in Iowa, DeSantis decided to drop out of the presidential race. However, before leaving, he couldn’t help but take a parting shot at Haley. In a surprising turn of events, DeSantis decided to endorse Trump instead.

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