Nikki Haley Surprises with Victory in Vermont Primary

In a surprising turn of events on Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley emerged victorious in Vermont, securing her first triumph in the state primary for her 2024 presidential campaign.

Nikki Haley, the former South Carolina governor, initially had a close race with Donald Trump in the small state. However, as the final ballots were counted, she managed to extend her lead over Trump by more than three percentage points. The Associated Press declared her the winner almost four hours after the polls closed on Tuesday evening.

Despite winning only 17 delegates, Haley’s victory in Vermont will not significantly aid her in catching up to Trump in the GOP nomination race. Moreover, she faced substantial defeats in several other contests on Super Tuesday.

By Wednesday morning, it is highly likely that Trump will be on the verge of securing the 1,215 delegates required to mathematically secure the nomination.

Haley’s victory, above all else, will provide a much-needed boost in morale and demonstrate that Republicans in a particular region of the country are prepared to move forward from the era of Trump.


Haley entered Super Tuesday without a clear path to the nomination, aiming to inflict as much damage on Trump as possible and potentially enhance her own reputation. Her goal was to demonstrate that there is still a significant demand within the GOP for an alternative to Trump.

Haley’s tireless campaign schedule may have played a crucial role in her success. In a surprising move, she even made a campaign stop in Vermont before Super Tuesday, a state that is often overlooked during election season. She passionately campaigned alongside Governor Phil Scott, a widely respected moderate Republican incumbent, in South Burlington.

In addition to Vermont, Haley has secured several victories during the primary campaign, with the latest being the District of Columbia’s GOP primary. Despite the low voter turnout of just over 2,000 people, Haley emerged as the clear winner with a 30-point margin of victory. This primary contest granted her 19 delegates, surpassing the number available in Vermont.

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