Proposal For Bill In WA Would Mandate LGBTQ+ History Education In Public Schools

Aiexpress – The Washington state Senate recently passed a bill that mandates public schools to include lessons on the history and significant contributions of LGBTQ+ individuals.

People from diverse backgrounds, such as people of color, people with disabilities, individuals who are neurodiverse, and those from different religious backgrounds, are included in this group.

The bill mandates the state Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction, in collaboration with the Washington State LGBTQ Commission, to revise state learning standards at every grade level by December 1, 2024. These revisions will encompass the inclusion of the histories, contributions, and perspectives of LGBTQ individuals.

State learning standards currently require students to explore the historical perspectives of marginalized groups, including tribal communities affected by European colonization and enslaved or free people of color who fought against oppression in the 13 colonies.

According to Senator Marko Liias, the main sponsor of the bill, it is not common for Washington students to be taught about significant LGBTQ+ figures in U.S. history or important events within the LGBTQ+ community.


According to Liias, a member of the Washington State Legislature LGBTQ Caucus, when students can relate to what they are learning, they become more engaged and invested in the learning process. It is important for all students to see themselves represented in the work they are doing.

Opponents of the bill have raised concerns about the erosion of power for local school districts and the infringement on parents’ rights. Senate Republicans have also argued that the inclusion of new material on marginalized communities could distract from the focus on core subjects such as English and math.

During the Senate floor debate last week, Senator Brad Hawkins, R-East Wenatchee, expressed his concern about the increasing trend of reducing the authority of local communities and imposing decisions from the Legislature onto all 295 school districts. He remarked, “It just seems like the trend is to take more and more discretion away from the local communities and force feed stuff from the Legislature onto all 295 school districts.”

Some school districts may find it easy to comply with the bill if it is passed.

Advocates for inclusive education have pointed out that numerous schools in the state have already revised their lesson plans to incorporate a wider range of perspectives. In some instances, schools have even introduced entirely new courses that center around underrepresented communities. A prime example can be found at Seattle Public Schools, where students now have the opportunity to take courses specifically dedicated to Black history, Native American literature, and Filipino American history.

Research has revealed that classes that embrace and celebrate the diverse identities of their students offer numerous advantages.

According to a 2021 national survey conducted by GLSEN, an LGBTQ+ education advocacy group, schools that offered ethnic studies classes experienced positive outcomes. These classes not only increased attendance and GPAs but also improved graduation and college attendance rates. Furthermore, the study found that students who learned about representations of LGBTQ+ people, history, and events in these classes reported lower instances of homophobic or transphobic remarks. They also felt safer, resulting in fewer school absences due to feeling unsafe. Additionally, their mental health and academic performance showed significant improvement.

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