Shock Poll: Tump’s Significant Lead Since 2015 As Nearly Half Of Democratic Disapproval Of Biden As Nominee

Aiexpress – According to the most recent poll conducted by The New York Times in collaboration with Siena College, President Joe Biden faces unfavorable indications this week. The poll reveals that Donald Trump has gained his largest lead since 2015, while the president’s party continues to lose faith in his candidacy.

According to the most recent national poll by the New York Times/Siena College, Democrats received disappointing news. The poll revealed that Trump garnered 48% of the respondents’ support, while Biden only managed to secure 43%, resulting in a significant and significant five-point advantage for Trump.

“That’s the largest lead Mr. Trump has ever had in a Times/Siena national poll. In fact, it’s the largest lead Mr. Trump has held in a Times/Siena or Times/CBS poll since first running for president in 2015,” writes Nate Cohn at NYT.

Voters are raising concerns about President Biden’s decisions on immigration and his handling of the Hamas-Israel War in Gaza, which is a major setback for him.

Furthermore, Biden is encountering a dearth of support from voters within his own party, as numerous individuals are expressing skepticism regarding his suitability as the Democratic nominee for the upcoming presidential election in November.


During the Michigan Democratic primary, more than 100,000 Democrats in the state chose not to vote for any candidate instead of showing their support for the president. It is worth noting that Michigan is a crucial swing state in the upcoming election, which Biden won by a margin of less than 150,000 votes in 2020.

The poll surveyed 980 registered voters through both cell phones and landlines from February 25th to 28th. The margin of error for the survey is 3.8%.

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