Texas Senator John Cornyn, 71, Highlights Global Danger of a Conflict Between Good and Evil

Senator John Cornyn (R-TX) recently delivered a powerful speech on the Senate floor, calling for unwavering support and solidarity with Israel. In his address, he characterized the recent conflict with Hamas as nothing short of a battle between good and evil.

The urgency of addressing the National Security Supplemental Appropriations bill was emphasized by the Texas Republican. He highlighted the importance of the bill in providing relief to Israel and additional support for Ukraine, as well as strengthening Indo-Pacific deterrence and border security.

“This war is not just about Israel; it is about stopping Iran’s ambitions,” emphasized Senator Cornyn. He highlighted Iran’s significant backing of different terrorist proxies throughout the Middle East.

In a powerful statement, Senator Cornyn highlighted the atrocities committed by Hamas on October 7th, drawing a stark parallel to the 9/11 attacks in the United States. He emphasized the importance of unwavering support for Israel, a country he sees as a vital ally and democracy in the region.

Senator Cornyn emphasized the need to unequivocally defeat Hamas, stating that anything less would only strengthen Iran and its terrorist proxies, thus fueling their aspirations for regional dominance.


Senator Cornyn attributed the loss of civilian lives to Hamas, emphasizing their use of Palestinian civilians as human shields. Despite acknowledging concerns about civilian casualties, he placed the responsibility on the actions of the militant group.

Senator Cornyn condemned efforts to impose conditions on aid to Israel, comparing it to potential interference in America’s response to the 9/11 attacks.

Senator Cornyn stressed the importance of providing unwavering support to Israel during this critical time instead of lecturing them about self-defense.

In his concluding remarks, the Texas senator emphasized the far-reaching consequences of the conflict, highlighting the potential for terrorism to extend beyond the Middle East.

Senator Cornyn urged that we cannot ignore the events happening in Israel, as they will have repercussions beyond its borders. It is our duty to take action and address the situation.

The Senate faces increasing pressure to speed up aid for Israel, a sentiment shared by Senator Cornyn who emphasized the importance of prioritizing support for our top ally in the Middle East as we enter the new year.

Senator Cornyn made a point of highlighting the seriousness of the situation in the Middle East during his speech. He emphasized the importance of taking decisive action to support Israel against terrorist threats, all the while acknowledging the wider global consequences of the conflict.

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