The number of children in West Virginia receiving Serious Emotional Disorder waivers has tripled each year since the introduction of the waiver program

The Legislative Oversight Commission on Health and Human Resources Accountability held a meeting during the December Interim sessions for members of the West Virginia Legislature in Charleston, WV. Aetna, the state’s long-term partner, provided an update on their ongoing second contract series. During the meeting, the importance of pediatric psychiatry in community care was emphasized, particularly highlighting a $1.5 million collaboration between Community Care of WV and Aetna Better Health of WV. This collaboration aims to address the increasing number of children with Serious Emotional Disorder waivers, which has tripled each year since the waiver was introduced. To support this initiative, a CSEDW trainer has been added, along with new CSEDW services in state schools. Aetna is also actively engaged in a statewide foster care recruitment campaign, in addition to working with key partner focus groups to meet the needs of their members.

Lawmakers were also provided with an update on the transition of the DHHR Shared Administration, which will include various offices such as Finance, Human Resources Management, Constituents, Communications, Operations, Information Services, and a Liaison to Boards and Commissions. Moreover, the commission reviewed the costs and rates for Intellectual/Developmental Disabilities Services and discussed preliminary findings and recommendations from the Recovery Residence Taskforce.

During the meeting, the commission also introduced four bills that are set to be presented in the 2024 regular session. These bills include the renaming of the DHHR, reorganization of the Office of Inspector General, removal of Extended Managed Care in Foster Care, and expanding the powers of LOCHHRA.

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