This City Has Been Named Alabama Worst City To Live – You Won’t Believe Which One!

Nestled in the rolling hills of northeastern Alabama, Anniston should, on paper, hold the promise of southern charm and quiet life. Yet, nestled within its 22,400-strong population lies a reality far grimmer than postcards portray. According to a recent report by a-z-animals, Anniston has been branded the “worst city to live in Alabama.” A harsh title, but one backed by chilling statistics that paint a picture of a city struggling in the grip of unrelenting crime.

A City Strangled by Crime:

The most damning indictment against Anniston is its staggering crime rate. With a staggering 2,992 crimes per 100,000 residents, it sits a frightening 68% above the national average. What does this translate to? In everyday terms, an unsettling reality sets in: every Anniston resident has a 1 in 10 chance of becoming a victim of crime. This isn’t a distant statistic; it’s a shadow that looms over every interaction, every walk down a darkened street, every decision to stay out late.

Delving Deeper:

But attributing Anniston’s woes solely to high crime numbers would be simplistic. To truly understand the city’s struggles, we must delve deeper. Let’s explore the factors that have conspired to create this unenviable label:

  • Economic Hardship: Anniston has historically been an industrial city, its fortunes tied to the steel and textile industries. However, the decline of these sectors has left the city reeling, with unemployment rates that consistently hover above the national average. This economic hardship directly feeds into the cycle of crime, as poverty and lack of opportunity often become breeding grounds for desperation and criminal activity.
  • Education Challenges: Educational attainment in Anniston lags behind the national average. Limited access to quality education further hinders upward mobility and perpetuates the cycle of poverty and crime. A struggling education system struggles to equip its graduates with the skills and knowledge needed to break free from these constraints.
  • Social Challenges: The opioid epidemic has cast a long shadow over Anniston, contributing to addiction, family breakdown, and an overall decline in the city’s social fabric. The lack of adequate support systems and resources to address these issues exacerbates the existing problems.

Looking Beyond the Label:

While the “worst city” label paints a bleak picture, it’s important to remember that Anniston is not a monolith. Within its boundaries reside individuals and communities striving to create a brighter future. Local initiatives, community organizations, and dedicated individuals are working tirelessly to combat crime, revitalize the economy, and improve the quality of life for all residents.

Hope on the Horizon:

Despite the challenges, there are glimmers of hope. Recent revitalization efforts are underway in the downtown area, aiming to attract new businesses and residents. Educational initiatives are being implemented to improve academic outcomes. And community organizations are working to foster a sense of unity and resilience among residents.


Anniston’s story is not one of surrender to despair. It’s a story of a city facing its demons head-on, a story of resilience and the persistent hope for a brighter tomorrow. While the journey ahead will be long and arduous, the spirit of the people of Anniston, combined with a concerted effort to address the root causes of their struggles, offers a beacon of light in the face of adversity.


1. Why is Anniston considered the “worst city” in Alabama?

Anniston’s high crime rate, 68% above the national average, is the primary reason for this designation. This translates to a 1 in 10 chance of becoming a victim of crime for residents. Additionally, the city faces economic hardship, educational challenges, and social issues like the opioid epidemic, all contributing to its struggles.

2. Is Anniston truly dangerous for everyone?

While the overall crime rate is high, it’s important to remember that crime is not concentrated evenly throughout the city. Certain neighborhoods may have higher rates than others. Additionally, exercising caution and vigilance, especially at night, can significantly reduce the risk of becoming a victim.

3. What is being done to address the city’s problems?

Several initiatives are underway to revitalize Anniston. Downtown revitalization projects aim to attract businesses and residents. Educational programs are being implemented to improve academic outcomes. Community organizations are fostering a sense of unity and resilience, addressing social issues like addiction and poverty.

4. Can things improve for Anniston?

Absolutely. The city has a long history of resilience and a strong sense of community. The ongoing initiatives, coupled with continued support and resources, can significantly improve the quality of life for residents. While challenges remain, the potential for positive change is undeniable.


Anniston may be grappling with immense challenges, but it’s not merely a statistic, a footnote in Alabama’s narrative. It’s a city brimming with potential, a community where the fight for a better life continues every day. While the label of “worst city” may bring shame and stigma, it should also serve as a call to action. A call to understand, to support, and to empower the people of Anniston on their path towards a brighter future. Anniston’s story may be one of struggle, but it is also a story of hope, a reminder that even in the darkest of shadows, the embers of resilience can still burn bright.


The information provided in this article is based on publicly available data and reports, including the a-z-animals ranking of Anniston as the “worst city” in Alabama. However, it’s important to note that such rankings are subjective and can be influenced by various factors. Additionally, the article offers a snapshot of the city’s current situation and does not claim to be exhaustive.

Furthermore, the article does not intend to sensationalize or portray Anniston solely in a negative light. It aims to provide a balanced perspective by highlighting the city’s challenges alongside its potential and ongoing efforts for improvement.

It’s also crucial to remember that statistics like crime rates only tell part of the story. Anniston is a diverse community with a rich history and a resilient spirit. The article encourages readers to explore beyond the label and engage with the city and its residents to gain a deeper understanding of its complexities and strengths.

Finally, the article is not intended to provide any form of advice or recommendations regarding living in Anniston. Individuals should conduct their own research and consider all relevant factors before making any decisions.

K.D. Crowe
K.D. Crowe
Articles: 141

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