This City Has Been Named Washington Worst City To Live – You Won’t Believe Which One!

Nestled amidst the emerald forests and rugged coastlines of Washington state lies Port Angeles, a city seemingly trapped in a paradox. With stunning natural beauty and a quaint college town atmosphere, it would almost appear to be an idyllic haven. However, beneath the picturesque surface, a harsh reality awaits. Port Angeles has earned the dubious title of “Washington’s Worst City to Live,” a designation it wears with a heavy crown. This article delves into the reasons behind this unwelcome moniker, exploring the factors that make Port Angeles a less-than-ideal place to call home.

I. Isolation and Accessibility Woes:

For starters, Port Angeles suffers from a crippling case of isolation. Nestled on the Olympic Peninsula, the city is accessible only by ferry or a long, winding drive. This geographical constraint effectively cuts it off from the hustle and bustle of mainland Washington, creating a sense of remoteness and stagnation. Imagine a charming seaside town, but one you can only reach after hours of travel, effectively removing you from opportunities and conveniences readily available elsewhere.

This isolation breeds inconvenience and hampers career prospects. Commuting, particularly to major employment centers, becomes a logistical nightmare, forcing residents to choose between professional advancement and geographical proximity. Daily errands can also become burdensome, as the ferry schedule dictates access to basic necessities and amenities.

II. A Grim Economic Landscape:

Adding to the woes of isolation is a challenging economic climate. Port Angeles struggles with a consistently high unemployment rate, leaving many residents facing financial hardship and limited opportunities. While the low cost of living might seem enticing at first glance, it often reflects a lack of well-paying jobs and economic stagnation. This disparity can be disheartening for those seeking to build a stable future in the city.

Further compounding the economic woes is the presence of a significant amount of vacant housing. Abandoned homes and empty storefronts paint a picture of economic decline, creating a sense of desolation and hindering community development. The potential for revitalization lies dormant, choked by the lack of jobs and opportunities to attract new residents and businesses.


III. Safety Concerns and Limited Urban Life:

Unfortunately, the challenges don’t end there. Port Angeles grapples with a crime rate that exceeds the national average. This statistic can be particularly disquieting for families and individuals seeking a safe and secure environment. While specific crime data should be analyzed, the higher-than-average rate undoubtedly raises concerns about personal safety and the overall quality of life in the city.

Furthermore, Port Angeles struggles with limited walkability and access to amenities. Unlike vibrant urban centers, the city lacks the infrastructure and development to support an active, pedestrian-friendly lifestyle. Errands often require car dependence, adding to transportation costs and further isolating residents. This can be particularly challenging for those without access to personal vehicles or relying on public transportation, which tends to be limited in areas like Port Angeles.

IV. Educational Opportunities: A Glimmer of Hope?

Amidst the bleak landscape, one shining beacon of hope emerges: the city’s education system. Port Angeles schools consistently receive accolades and positive reviews, boasting an impressive score from Great Schools. This strength provides a valuable asset for families seeking quality education for their children. However, it’s crucial to consider that even excellent schools cannot entirely compensate for the broader economic and social challenges that families might face in Port Angeles.


1. Is Port Angeles really the worst city in Washington to live in?

While “worst” is subjective, Port Angeles consistently ranks poorly in surveys and indices focused on livability. High unemployment, isolation, and crime rates contribute significantly to this perception. However, it’s essential to consider individual priorities and weigh the city’s advantages like affordability and natural beauty before forming a definitive opinion.

2. How isolated is Port Angeles?

Located on the Olympic Peninsula, Port Angeles is accessible only by ferry or a long, winding drive. This geographical isolation presents challenges for commuting, accessing amenities, and connecting with other parts of the state.

3. Is the crime rate a major concern?

Port Angeles’ crime rate exceeds the national average, raising concerns about safety for residents. While specific crime types and their prevalence should be investigated, the higher-than-average rate warrants serious consideration.

4. What’s the job market like?

Port Angeles struggles with consistently high unemployment, limiting opportunities for residents and hindering economic growth. While the cost of living might be attractive, the lack of well-paying jobs can outweigh this benefit for many.

5. Are there any redeeming qualities to living in Port Angeles?

Despite the challenges, Port Angeles offers advantages that appeal to some. The city boasts stunning natural beauty, including mountains, forests, and the Olympic Peninsula coastline. Additionally, its schools consistently receive positive reviews, providing a valuable asset for families with children. The affordability of housing can also be attractive for those on a budget.

6. Should I consider moving to Port Angeles?

This decision hinges on your priorities and lifestyle. If you value career opportunities, economic stability, and walkability, other Washington cities might be better suited. However, if affordability, access to nature, and strong schools are your primary concerns, Port Angeles could be a viable option. Ultimately, thorough research and consideration of all factors are crucial before making a decision.

7. What can be done to improve the situation in Port Angeles?

Investing in job creation, attracting new businesses, and revitalizing downtown areas are crucial steps towards economic improvement. Improving infrastructure and promoting walkability can enhance the city’s appeal. Addressing safety concerns through community policing and crime prevention initiatives is also essential.


Port Angeles paints a complex picture, one where natural beauty coexists with significant drawbacks. For those seeking a tranquil escape or a low cost of living, the city might offer some appeal. However, individuals and families prioritizing career opportunities, economic stability, safety, and walkability would likely find their needs unmet. Ultimately, the decision to call Port Angeles home requires careful consideration, weighing the positive aspects against the undeniable challenges that accompany life in this isolated and economically struggling city.


The information presented in this article is based on publicly available data and reports, including AARP livability rankings, cost of living indices, crime statistics, and school ratings. While we have strived to present an accurate and balanced portrayal of life in Port Angeles, it is important to acknowledge the limitations of this format.

  • Data Interpretation: Statistics and rankings can be interpreted in different ways. This article provides a generalized overview based on commonly accepted metrics, but individual experiences may vary.
  • Subjectivity: The term “worst city” is inherently subjective and dependent on individual priorities and preferences. What might be a drawback for some (isolation) could be an advantage for others (peace and quiet).
  • Evolving Landscape: Cities are constantly evolving, and the challenges and opportunities described in this article may not fully reflect the current situation in Port Angeles. It is advisable to conduct further research and seek updates from official sources before making any life-altering decisions.
K.D. Crowe
K.D. Crowe
Articles: 141

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