This is Named as the Most Haunted Place in Louisiana!

Louisiana, known for its rich history, culture, and legends, is also home to numerous haunted locations, where tales of ghosts, voodoo, and curses intertwine with everyday lore. From cemeteries and plantations to hotels and museums, Louisiana offers a plethora of eerie sites to explore. Among them, the title of the most haunted belongs to a particularly chilling locale.

The Myrtles Plantation: A Historic House of Horrors

Situated in St. Francisville, the Myrtles Plantation, an antebellum mansion constructed in 1796 by General David Bradford, has a dark history marked by tragedies, murders, and deaths. Over the years, the property changed hands multiple times, and a series of notorious events unfolded within its walls, including:

  • The poisoning of Judge Clark Woodruff and his two daughters by a slave named Chloe, allegedly the judge’s mistress. Chloe faced hanging and subsequent disposal into the river by her fellow slaves.
  • The fatal shooting of lawyer William Winter on the porch by an unknown assailant. Winter’s demise occurred on the 17th step of the staircase inside the house.
  • The yellow fever-related deaths of Ruffin Gray Stirling, the plantation’s 1834 buyer, and his wife Mary Cobb.
  • The murder of Lewis Stirling, their son, in his bedroom by an unidentified attacker.
  • The stabbing death of William Drew Winter, son of William and Sarah Stirling Winter, by a former Union soldier in the game room.

The Ghosts of the Myrtles Plantation: An Enigmatic Gallery

The Myrtles Plantation, saturated with tales of bloodshed and sorrow, is said to house at least 12 restless spirits, each manifesting in distinct ways. Some of the renowned apparitions haunting the Myrtles include:

  • Chloe, the slave who poisoned the Woodruffs, often spotted wearing a green turban while wandering the grounds.
  • The ghostly children of Judge Woodruff, Cornelia and James, giggling and playing in the rooms, occasionally appearing in mirrors.
  • William Winter, the lawyer, heard dragging his feet on the stairs and whispering to guests.
  • Sarah Stirling Winter, wife of William Winter, appearing in mourning attire and playing the piano in the parlor.
  • Ruffin Gray Stirling, the plantation owner, seen smoking a cigar and inspecting the house.
  • Mary Cobb Stirling, wife of Ruffin Gray Stirling, floating in hallways and gardens in a white dress and veil.
  • The spirit of a young Native American woman buried on the grounds before the plantation’s construction, seen near the pond and gazebo.
  • The ghost of a Confederate soldier, wounded in the nearby battle of Port Hudson, seen in the game room where he bled to death, knocking on doors and windows.

The Myrtles Plantation: A Must-Visit for Paranormal Enthusiasts

Beyond its historical significance, the Myrtles Plantation serves as a popular destination for thrill-seekers and paranormal enthusiasts. Offering guided tours, overnight stays, and special events, visitors can immerse themselves in the history and mystery of the Myrtles, potentially encountering the lingering spirits. Featured in numerous TV shows, books, and podcasts, the Myrtles Plantation has garnered a reputation as one of America’s most haunted places. Whether you’re a believer or a skeptic, a visit to the Myrtles Plantation promises an unforgettable experience, leaving you both breathless and fascinated.

Jimmy Clyde
Jimmy Clyde
Articles: 290

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