Trump Aims To Eliminate Competition In New Hampshire’s Republican Primary

Aiexpress – The eve of the Republican primary for president in New Hampshire witnessed a spirited attempt by former President Donald Trump to outshine Nikki Haley. He assembled a procession of individuals who had previously competed against him.

On the picturesque shores of Paugus Bay, a function hall provided the backdrop for Trump’s appearance. Sharing the stage with him were three former Republican candidates who had previously campaigned against him. These individuals, namely businessman Vivek Ramaswamy, North Dakota Governor Doug Burgum, and South Carolina Senator Tim Scott, had dedicated months to their own presidential campaigns before eventually endorsing Trump. They had immersed themselves in the New Hampshire political scene, participating in July 4th parades, hosting town halls and house parties, and engaging with voters directly. Trump, on the other hand, had managed to bypass these traditional New Hampshire retail politics due to his popularity with the electorate.

“I believe that Haley will be leaving her position tomorrow,” Trump commented regarding Haley, who previously served as the governor of South Carolina and later as his ambassador to the United Nations.

President Joe Biden, he confidently declared, will be out of office by November.

Standing beside him on stage, Trump’s former opponents echoed his message.


“Let’s wrap up this primary right here,” suggested Ramaswamy.

Governor Burgum expressed his enthusiasm for the upcoming primary in New Hampshire, stating, “We are confident that we will achieve a remarkable victory.”

Scott asked the audience, “How many of you want me to stop talking so you can hear from your next president?”

While Haley campaigned across the state alongside the well-liked Republican governor, Chris Sununu, Trump remained in New York City. His schedule included testifying in his own defense for a defamation case, which was postponed due to the illness of a juror.

According to local tracking polls in New Hampshire, Trump is enjoying a substantial lead over Haley among likely Republican voters. Trump’s support is reaching as high as the mid- to high-50’s, while Haley is trailing behind in the high-30’s.

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, who was once considered a significant contender in the race, made a surprising move on Sunday by withdrawing from the competition and pledging his support to Trump. This endorsement from DeSantis indicates a growing unity within the party, as Trump solidifies his position as the frontrunner.

The decision by the Trump campaign to hold their final rally in Laconia speaks volumes. This blue-collar city serves as the gateway to the Lakes Region in New Hampshire, and it holds significance for Republicans. Laconia is located in Belknap County, a key conservative area that holds the power to sway elections in the Granite State. In fact, during the 2016 election, Trump won over Hillary Clinton by a significant 17 percent margin in Belknap County, even though he ultimately lost New Hampshire by less than 3,000 votes or four-tenths of a percent. In the 2020 election, Trump once again secured victory in Belknap County, making it one of only two counties out of the state’s 10 to support him, despite losing the state to Biden by 60,000 votes.

As the general election approaches, Democrats are strategically leveraging the words of Trump’s former opponents.

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