Tuberville’s End Forces Senate to Pass Bill for Promotions Back Pay

The Senate has given its approval on Thursday to a bill that provides back pay to high-ranking military officers who were affected by the delayed promotions caused by Senator Tommy Tuberville (R-Ala.).

The bill, which was unanimously passed on Thursday, includes a retroactive effect date for the promotions of senior officers. However, it still needs approval from the House, which is not expected to happen until 2024 due to the House adjourning for its holiday break on Thursday.

Earlier this month, Tuberville made the announcement that he would finally be lifting his prolonged blockade on hundreds of military promotions.

Tuberville expressed his disagreement with a Pentagon policy that was implemented last year. This policy allows service members to be reimbursed for their travel expenses when seeking abortion care.

Members of the Republican party faced a dilemma when confronted with his ten-month holds, as they were forced to decide between supporting the military and maintaining an anti-abortion stance.


Tuberville made his decision after Senate Democrats announced their intention to temporarily modify the rules in order to move forward with the more than 400 nominees that were being hindered by his protest.

According to the Alabama representative, he is embracing a proposal put forth by Senators Dan Sullivan (R-Alaska) and Joni Ernst (R-Iowa) to lift his holds on military officers below the 3-star rank. While around 10 nominations for 4-star generals and officers continue to be on hold.

Tuberville’s hold on the party increased tensions in October when Hamas attacked Israel. This added to the existing strain caused by the positions in the region that had not been filled due to Tuberville’s blockage.

He acknowledged that he didn’t achieve the desired victory but had no regrets regarding his handling of the holds.

Shortly after Tuberville made his announcement, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) wasted no time in taking action. Schumer expressed his hope that other members would not attempt to replicate Tuberville’s maneuver, as he views it as a risky strategy that will ultimately prove unsuccessful.

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