Tucker Carlson Claims Lawyers Warned Biden Administration Would Arrest Him For Conducting A Friendly Interview With Putin

Aiexpress – According to Tucker Carlson, he was informed by his expensive attorneys that he could face potential arrest if he decided to travel and conduct an interview with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

During a lengthy three-hour podcast conversation with Lex Fridman, Carlson delved into various topics, including his recent polarizing interview with Putin. Although Carlson addressed several issues and questioned Putin about the wrongful detainment of Wall Street Journal reporter Evan Gershkovich, his interview received significant criticism and was labeled as lacking in depth by both critics and even Putin himself.

Carlson faced ridicule when he expressed admiration for Russia’s grocery stores and public transportation. He referred to a visit to the grocery store as a transformative experience.

Shortly after the Putin interview, Russian activist Alexei Navalny, who had returned to Russia in 2021 after surviving a poisoning attempt, tragically died in a Russian prison. The state has claimed it was due to natural causes, but President Joe Biden and other prominent figures hold Putin accountable for the death of his outspoken critic.

During his conversation with Fridman, Carlson mentioned that his lawyers, who are part of a renowned global law firm, had warned him about the possibility of being arrested by the U.S. government for sanctions violations.


According to the former Fox News host, who has recently launched his own media company, these lawyers can be quite expensive, as they require “thousands of dollars” to engage various experts and researchers in order to obtain their input and conclusions.

According to Carlson, the advice he received in a memo was a sincere conclusion: “Do not do this.”

One lawyer even warned him that if the interview was too easy, he could end up in jail.

According to the source, the individual mentioned, “He warned me that the questions I ask Putin will play a crucial role. If I appear too friendly towards him, there’s a chance of getting arrested upon my return.”

Carlson eagerly expressed his readiness for such a battle.

“I actually don’t recognize the legitimacy of that,” he said firmly. “As an American who has lived here my whole life, it’s outrageous to think otherwise. I’m willing to face any potential risks because I completely reject that premise.”

Putin was disappointed with the Carlson interview, as he had expected the conservative pundit to display more aggression.

“I expected him to be confrontational and ask challenging questions. Not only was I prepared for that, but I also welcomed it as it would have allowed me to respond in a similar manner,” Putin shared with Russian media. “However, he took a different approach.”

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, whose country is currently facing a Russian invasion, described Carlson’s interview as “two hours of nonsense.”

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