Alabama Republicans express outrage over Colorado judges removing Trump from ballot, calling it election interference

Alabama Republicans expressed their criticism towards the Colorado judges who made the decision to remove Donald Trump from the primary ballot in the state.

According to Rep. Barry Moore, a Republican from Enterprise, he believes that the Colorado Supreme Court showed bias in its ruling. In a 4-3 decision, the court determined that Trump’s involvement in the insurrection violated the 14th Amendment, leading to his disqualification from being on the ballot.

“This is election interference,” Moore tweeted on Tuesday. “America stands with President Trump!”

The Colorado Supreme Court’s decision has been temporarily halted until January 4th, allowing the U.S. Supreme Court an opportunity to address the issue. President Trump has expressed his intention to appeal the ruling.


Rep. Robert Aderholt, a Republican from Haleyville, expressed his optimism regarding the Supreme Court’s ruling in favor of the former president.

He expressed his confidence in the United States Supreme Court’s ability to overturn the decision made by the Colorado Supreme Court. He firmly stated that state courts should not have the authority to determine who can run for federal office. Additionally, he noted that this ruling would have no practical effect on the electoral college.

According to Rep. Gary Hoover, R-Hoover, Tuesday’s decision should not be celebrated as it is unprecedented.

According to him, it is important for voters to have the right to choose their president rather than having partisan judges decide. He believes that removing President Trump from the ballot would set a dangerous precedent, where the Constitution is manipulated by the left to target their political opponents.

According to Rep. Dale Strong, a Republican from Huntsville, the recent decision in Colorado will only bolster President Trump’s support among the voters.

“Colorado’s attempt to eliminate President Trump from the ballot will not succeed as people can see the situation clearly. Trump has gained popularity due to his remarkable achievement in creating a strong economy and his commitment to representing the American people rather than catering to Washington’s special interests,” Strong expressed on Twitter. “The more the liberal elite in America try to silence him, the more support President Trump will receive. I am pleased that he plans to challenge this appalling decision in Colorado, and I believe that the Supreme Court will allow the American people to decide President Biden’s replacement.”

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