Jimmy Clyde

Jimmy Clyde

Exploring Ketchikan: a City of Totems and Divorces!

Exploring Ketchikan: a City of Totems and Divorces!

Nestled on the western coast of Revillagigedo Island, at the southern entrance to the Inside Passage, Ketchikan, Alaska is a picturesque city renowned for its rich Alaska Native culture, bountiful salmon fishing, and historic downtown. However, amidst its attractions, Ketchikan…

Is Alabama LGBTQ friendly? Check-Out Here!

Is Alabama LGBTQ friendly? Check-Out Here!

Alabama, situated in the southern United States, is renowned for its conservative politics and culture. Despite federal protections for LGBTQ individuals, they encounter various legal challenges and discrimination at the state level not faced by their non-LGBTQ counterparts. This article…