This is Named as the Most Haunted Place in Georgia!

For those seeking an eerie lodging experience in Georgia, the Marshall House in Savannah is a compelling choice. Erected in 1851, this historic hotel boasts a sinister past, rendering it one of the most haunted locales in the state. From its utilization as a hospital during the Civil War and yellow fever epidemics to the recent revelation of human remains during renovations, the Marshall House has borne witness to a history fraught with horror and tragedy. Numerous accounts from both guests and staff detail paranormal occurrences, including ghostly apparitions, peculiar sounds, and unsettling sensations. Here, we delve into the stories and legends surrounding this haunted establishment.

The Historical Background of the Marshall House

Constructed by Mary Marshall, a prosperous developer who inherited the land from her father, the Marshall House opened its doors in 1851 on Broughton Street, nestled in the heart of Savannah’s premier shopping district. This architectural gem featured a striking iron veranda, luxurious rooms, and contemporary amenities. Despite its elegance, the hotel also harbored some of Savannah’s darkest moments.

During the Civil War, Union troops under the command of General William Tecumseh Sherman occupied the hotel. Serving as a Union hospital for wounded soldiers until the war’s conclusion, the Marshall House later functioned as a hospital during the yellow fever outbreaks of 1854 and 1876, witnessing the death of thousands. Many patients succumbed to the disease, and some were interred in the basement or beneath the floorboards.

In the late 1990s, a significant renovation of the hotel unearthed human bones and artifacts from its hospital years. Initially treated as a crime scene, it was later determined that the bones belonged to amputated limbs of Civil War soldiers. The hotel opted to preserve certain original features, such as brick walls, the staircase, and floorboards, as a nod to its historical significance.

Spirits of the Marshall House

Given its grim and tragic history, it’s unsurprising that the Marshall House is regarded as one of Georgia’s most haunted places. Numerous reports from guests and staff detail encounters with ghostly entities within the hotel, including:

  • A Civil War uniform-clad man who roams hallways or sits in the lobby, believed to be a deceased soldier.
  • A woman in a white dress appearing in mirrors or rooms, thought to be a nurse from the yellow fever outbreaks.
  • A young boy running on stairs or playing with toys in the children’s room, said to be the deceased son of a former owner.
  • A group of laughing and giggling children in hallways or the courtyard, speculated to be victims of yellow fever epidemics.
  • A phantom smell of ether wafting through the air, reminiscent of the anesthetic used during Civil War surgeries.

The Marshall House Today

Despite its haunted reputation, the Marshall House remains a popular and opulent hotel in Savannah. Offering 68 rooms and suites adorned in a classic and elegant style, the hotel also features a restaurant, bar, library, and meeting room. Regular events, such as wine and cheese receptions, live music, and history talks, are hosted. Embracing its haunted allure, the hotel welcomes ghost hunters and thrill-seekers, offering ghost tours that delve into the history and hauntings of the hotel. Guests can even opt to stay in some of the most haunted rooms, like 414 and 420.

For those seeking a distinctive and spine-chilling accommodation in Georgia, the Marshall House stands out as an ideal choice. Revel in the charm and comfort of a historic hotel while unraveling the mysteries and legends of one of the state’s most haunted locales. Just be prepared โ€“ you may not be alone in your room!

Jimmy Clyde
Jimmy Clyde
Articles: 290

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