California Governor Gavin Newsom Strongly Opposes Progressive Wealth Tax Proposal

California Governor Gavin Newsom has expressed his disapproval of the Wall Street Journal (WSJ) for publishing an editorial that implied he could potentially back a wealth tax proposal.

California Governor Gavin Newsom strongly opposes the idea and accuses the Wall Street Journal (WSJ) of intentionally undermining California. In this article, we will delve into Newsom’s reaction and examine the potential impact on his political future.

Newsom’s Opposition to Wealth Tax:

Governor Newsom has consistently refused to consider implementing a wealth tax and made his position crystal clear even before the WSJ editorial was published. During a budget presentation in Sacramento, Newsom openly expressed his frustration with the repeated coverage of the wealth tax proposal by the WSJ, emphasizing that he does not endorse it.

Criticism of the Wall Street Journal:

Governor Newsom directly criticized the WSJ’s editorial board for deliberately distorting his stance on wealth taxes. He condemned their actions as “shameful” and accused them of prioritizing their ideological agenda over seeking the truth. The WSJ declined to provide any comment in response to Newsom’s remarks.

Impact on California’s Image:

Governor Newsom voiced his worries regarding the negative impact caused by the WSJ’s editorial. He mentioned receiving numerous phone calls regarding the potential implementation of a new tax on wealthy Californians. Newsom strongly believes that the media’s distortion and dissemination of false information are damaging the state’s reputation. This narrative could potentially affect Newsom’s political prospects, as he is viewed as a potential presidential candidate in 2028.


Wealth Tax Proposals in California:

Despite Democrats holding a two-thirds majority in Sacramento, there has been a lack of support for wealth tax bills. It is worth noting that California already has a tax structure that heavily relies on revenue from its wealthy residents. Governor Newsom’s alignment with more progressive proposals within the state may have consequences for his potential presidential campaign in the future.


Governor Gavin Newsom is well aware of the importance of media portrayal when it comes to California. His strong opposition to a wealth tax and his criticism of the Wall Street Journal showcase his sensitivity to how the state is perceived. It’s clear that Newsom is mindful of the potential impact on his political future and national profile, which makes his stance on wealth taxes and fiscal centrism all the more significant. Should he choose to run for president, these aspects of his political ideology will undoubtedly be closely examined.

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